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RoadingNgā rori me ngā tiriti

Wairoa District Council is responsible for the maintenance of around 830km of roads around the district, not including State Highways, which are taken care of by the NZ Transport Agency. With such a vast network of routes, it is not surprising that 50 percent of rates go towards roading.

Wairoa District Council is responsible for the maintenance of around 830km of roads around the district, not including State Highways, which are taken care of by the NZ Transport Agency.

The Council's Infrastructure Business Unit (IBU) is responsible for managing the maintenance of the road, while the actual work is carried out by contractors. It's a big job, which is why it has a dedicated team assigned to the task.

IBU is also responsible for organising emergency repair work on local roads. Please contact us to report any damage to local roads or public infrastructure.

Information regarding the status of the State Highways can be found at the NZTA website.


RoadLocationStatusCommentsTime Frame to be OpenedUpdated
Te Reinga Bridge  


Restricted to LIGHT VEHICLES only.

3.5 tonne max vehicles only.

Kotare Road RP 1.07

to all heavy vehicles over 3.5 tonnes.

 Closed to all heavy vehicles over 3.5 tonnes.  Open Monday 17th February 5/02/2025
Mangapoike Road, Frasertown 17.8km mark CAUTION ADVISED Down to single lane due to a dropout. Closed to heavy vehicles over 3.5T.   01/08/2024 08:43
Tiniroto Road 6.5km mark. CAUTION ADVISED Open to one lane. Dropout. TBC 26/06/2024 09:56
Nuhaka River Road 2.5km CLOSED Closed to 2.5km due to slips/washouts. Long TERM 13/12/2023 09:00
Russell Parade ALL CAUTION ADVISED Dropouts along river, down to single lane.   13/12/2023 09:00

Current status of bridges


Bridge Name:

Road Name:



Glenbrook (Waikare) Bridge

Glenbrook Road

Bridge washed out from Abutment A- Pier D.
Temporary Ford Crossing now in place (not 50max or HPMV)


Te Puna Bridge

Mangapoike Road

Pier C displaced and no longer supporting bridge structure. Structural analysis proved that bridge can collapse at any moment.
Temporary Ford Crossing under construction


Te Reinga Bridge

Ruakituri Road

Pier C gone- structural capacity severely compromised and collapse likely.

Bridge Removed, temp bridge being constructed


Otara Culvert

Woodland Road

Road blown out on either side of culvert, culvert support severely undermined.
Road repaired - fully open


Kakariki Farm Road

Kakariki Stream Culvert

Road blown out on either side of culvert, culvert support severely undermined.
Road Repaired - fully open


Kotare No.1 Bridge

Kotare Road

Approach undermined, temporary repair job completed, speed restriction in place.


Tukemokihi Bridge

Mangapoike Road

Pier B spread footing foundation undermined from scour.
Repair complete


Opoiti Bridge

Tiniroto Road

Northern approach undermined preventing access for both lanes of traffic.
Temp bailey bridge in place


Avalon Bridge

Brownlie Road

Abutment A approach undermined on upstream and downstream ends. Possible undermining at Abutment B been filled with river rocks- to be confirmed and repaired.
Repairs underway


Tutaekuri Bridge

Awamate Road

Abutment B undermining around approach and behind sheet piles.

Repairs underway


Rohepotae Bridge

Rohepotae Road

Abutment A approach undermined on upstream and downstream ends. Possible undermining at Abutment B been filled with river rocks- to be confirmed and repaired.
Repairs underway


Raupani Bridge

Waihua Valley Road

Approach undermined, reduced lane width.
Repairs underway

Road Safe Hawke's Bay

roading road safe hawkes bay

Road Safe Hawke's Bay is a Business Unit of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council, this was formalised in 2009. We are a Regional resource providing road safety education services across each of the districts. We have staff based in Wairoa, Napier and Central Hawkes Bay.


Reduce the incidence and severity of road traffic crashes with a focus on alcohol and drug driving, speed, intersections, vulnerable road users including pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclist.



26/03/2022, 08.15


Wairoa District Council - Copyright © 2025 Wairoa District Council

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While every endeavour has been taken by the Wairoa District Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Wairoa District Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Wairoa District Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

© Wairoa District Council - / +64 6 838 7309 /