Current filter:
Council has 6 committees that have specific functions delegated to them by Council. The committee structure is reviewed at the start of each triennium. To find out more about the specific functions of a committee click on the name below.
Meetings are held in the Council Chamber unless otherwise advertised.
The Strategy, Wellbeing and Economic Development Committee provides strategic oversight and direction to economic development in the district.
To deliver sustainable long-term economic growth and increased employment, strategic oversight of the promotion of the district’s visitor attractions and tourism activities, and support initiatives aimed at increasing the population of the district.
This Committee will monitor overall financial management and the performance of the Council; and, act as a liaison point with the Council’s auditors in order to ensure robust financial audits and reviews of Wairoa District Council.
To provide strategic direction on Council’s ageing infrastructure, and the infrastructure climate change mitigation and adaptation programme of works. To provide strategic direction on Council’s procurement framework and related documentation and to finalise procurement for contracts under $100,000.
The purpose of the Māori Standing Committee is to:
His Worship the Mayor Craig Little
Councillor Benita Cairns
Councillor Roz Thomas
Rakaipaaka - Henare Mita (Chairman)
Te Wairoa - Whai-ora Maindonald
Pāhauwera – Theresa Thornton
Ruakituri – Erena Hammond
Māhia Mai Tawhiti – Fiona Wairau
Te Wairoa Hōpūpū – Amanda Reynolds
Te Wairoa Matangirau – Vacant position.
Waikaremoana – Vacant position.
To consider:
To provide Council with an independent youth voice to support the decision making process at the Local Government level. This voice allows younger Rangatahi to let Council hear their thoughts on the impacts of Councils decisions on their own generation as the future ratepayers of Wairoa.
Email governance@wairoadc.govt.nz if you are interested in fulfilling a vacant position.
Iwitea/Whakaki (Eastern Wairoa) – Trevor Waikawa (Chairperson)
Frasertown/Te Reinga (Northern Wairoa) – Te Rawhitiora Edwards-Hammond
Tuai/Waikaremoana (Lakes) – Manaia Hall
Nuhaka/Morere – Piripi Ropitini
Wairoa Township – Amiria Drysdale
Wairoa Township – Hinetaitapu Moeariki
North Cylde (Township North) – Vacant position.
Mahia – Vacant position.
Raupunga/Mohaka – Vacant position.
This is not a committee of Council under the Local Government Act 2002.
The panel is the primary point of contact for the Chief Executive for discussion of performance and other employment matters. The panel:
Hawke's Bay Regional Council is the administrating body.
Hawke's Bay Regional Council is the administrating body.
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz