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Candidate profiles statements for mayor and ward councillors for Wairoa Local Body Elections can be found below.
Candidate profile statements are available by selecting the drop down links below for mayor and ward councillors.
Voting will open on Friday 16 September 2022 and will close at 12 noon on Saturday, 8 October 2022. For further information about voting go to Vote.
Benita has dedicated her life to being a champion for Wairoa. Benita cares deeply for the people of Wairoa and is someone who can represent the interests of others from all walks of life.
Her previous nine years’ experience as a Councillor and her passion for the place and the people holds her in good stead to be the Mayor that Wairoa deserves and expects. The people of Wairoa need to have confidence in their Council and that can only be achieved by being open and transparent about all its dealings. The Council continues to incur unnecessary cost burdens on the ratepayers through ongoing rates increases and frivolous spending on projects that have no benefits back to the community.
Benita has gained the necessary skills and acquired the knowledge to know what it takes to lead an efficient and effective Council in a critical role as Mayor of Wairoa.
My principal place of residence is in the Wairoa District area. I am also standing for Māori Ward Councillor.
benita.cairns@gmail.com 0274 977 281
I have had the honour of being Wairoa’s Mayor for the past nine years.
I am re-standing because of the critical unprecedented challenges we face, and the many approaches I have had from people asking me to continue as Mayor.
We are confronting significant, proposed Government reforms that could strip local government of its core wellbeings, infrastructure and decision-making and place control with an unelected, unaccountable, centralised group.
Wairoa needs proven, experienced leadership. I will continue to advocate for our district with a strong voice and transparency.
I will continue our strong partnership with Tangata Whenua/Iwi to build our community and future.
I will continue to grow our population to ensure our district is a sustainable home for young and old to live, work and play.
I am Wairoa born and bred and want our district to be the best it can be. I won’t make promises I can’t keep.
My principal place of residence is in the Wairoa District area.
ohuka@gisborne.net.nz 0274 757 278
I am a career public servant with 30 years experience serving local government, twenty of those in New Zealand. I derive satisfaction in contributing to society by just doing my job. I believe in equal opportunities, fairness and I believe each member of our community has something to contribute and what they need is an opportunity to be engaged and be heard to unleash their potential.
My values are inclusiveness, transparency, integrity, accountability, manaaki and utmost respect for all members of our community regardless of their race, culture, lifestyle, beliefs, gender, occupation or their socio-economic situation.
Not only do I believe in New Zealand biculturalism, I am also bilingual and I live and practice these values in my everyday life. To honour the past, we must prepare for the future. Your vote may as well be the x-factor needed to change for good. He wero tenei kia koutou aku rangatira.
My principal place of residence is in the Wairoa District area.
mutonhori@hotmail.com 021 921 554
Ko tapatahi toku maunga, Ko mahi pono toku awa, Ko tangata tiriti toku iwi, Ko Olsen toku whanau, Ko Ken toku papa, Ko Shirley toku mama, Ko Murray toku ingoa, Ko toa papapaatuhi o Wairoa ahau.
Tena koutou katoa
I’ve been living in Wairoa for five years, after a 20 year physics career, mainly overseas. A physicist identifies problems and finds solutions.
I have come to know many great people in Wairoa and I am committed to the town, the district, and Wairoa Hopupu Honengenenge Matangirau, our main river. I have been lucky to participate in mahi preserving the health of the river, including the expensive wastewater consent hearings. I was also given the chance to help solve problems at the Citizen’s Advice Bureau.
I strongly believe we are all part of the same community, and I want to help strengthen that community as Mayor of Wairoa.
My principal place of residence is in the Wairoa District area. I am also standing for General Ward Councillor.
muzza881@gmail.com 022 566 8548
Ko Panekire te Maunga, Ko Waikare te moana, Ko Haumapuhia te Tipua huri kohatu ki tua. Tenei te tuhono Tatau-Pounamu Kia Koutou nga uri whakaheke o Ngati Kahungunu.
Ko te Wairoa ko koe, ko koe ko te Wairoa. The long river is you, you are the long river.
I am delighted to be contesting the position for Wairoa.
With your votes my passion and promise to be a community minded leader embraces transparency, trust, social responsibility and a solid attitude to drive local and regional economic progress.
Vote to improve health to well-being. Vote for good housing and good education. Vote for a dual heritage to thrive in Wairoa.
Ko te Wairoa ko au, ko au ko te Wairoa. The long river is me, I am the long river. Vote me for Mayor, Vote for Te Wairoa.
My principal place of residence is in the Wairoa District area. I am also standing for Māori Ward Councillor.
jennifertakutamoses@gmail.com 021 0262 6589
Nga mihi. Married with 6 children, 20 grandchildren. My husband owns a shearing business and employees up to 30 people during peak season. Have an online health and wellbeing business. I run healing retreats e.g. massaging, te rongoā, right across the board. Am actively involved in Marae, passionate about environmental issues, rangatahi and charitable endeavours and elderly pursuits. Empowering small businesses. Farming and the wellbeing of farmers within our rohe is important as I believe they have a huge impact within our infrastructure. Forestry is a No for me because of the damage to the environment (roading) and eco-system. Our over the top rates need to be addressed in earnest. The 3 Waters is also a No for me. Honest and transparency is a must. I am outspoken when expressing my views not afraid to stand alone. A good leader creates leaders.
My principal place of residence is in the Wairoa District area.
shortyculshaw@gmail.com 027 425 6185
Kia ora, my name is Denise Eaglesome-Karekare. I am Wairoa born and bred, and I have a deeply vested interest in our community and its future. I strongly believe in putting people first and this underpins how I operate. I hold a number of governance and community roles which provide relevant experience for a position on the Council. I am currently the CEO of Wairoa Young Achievers Trust and manage multiple projects that improve the lives of our people. This role keeps me grounded and connected to our community. I believe we have the answers to many of the tough issues we face in our district and these are from a grassroots space. My record speaks for itself and I will continue to bring a wealth of passion, dedication and experience to the Council table to make the best decisions we can for our proud community and people.
My principal place of residence is in the Wairoa District area.
denise@wyat.co.nz 021 835 794
There is no doubt we are at a time of unprecedented challenges and complexity in local government. The rapid pace of change is challenging and will require your vote to elect a Council who will best serve the Wairoa district over the next three years. In my time as Councillor, I can say categorically this upcoming term as being the most crucial requiring influence. Wairoa will need a Council with exceptional governance experience, courageous smarts, and steady hand to lead the inevitable government reforms, taking extreme care to uphold affordability and drive sustainability.
I am enthusiastic and cautious about our future and have the skills, experience, and stamina to hold our table to account ensuring Wairoa interests are exceptionally well represented with financial diligence at the core of decision making, being frugal when needed without compromise but ambitious where wellbeing and innovation is paramount.
My principal place of residence is in the Wairoa District area.
hineflood@gmail.com 027 205 8414
I have extensive experience in leadership, management, and governance gained from 28 years in the NZ Army, as a previous Director on the Health Hawke’s Bay Board, and as a Wairoa District Councillor.
I am actively involved in the Wairoa community through the Wairoa RSA and CACTUS.
My vision for Wairoa is that it is a well-connected, positive, forward-thinking community that fulfils the potential that this district has by engaging with the community, businesses, other local authorities, and central government to boost economic resilience. This requires key decision makers to listen to the community and work hard, ensuring that they are fully informed when making decisions.
I am passionate about Wairoa’s future and will ensure good decisions are made that will benefit all of Wairoa in the long term.
I am married to Paula Couper, we have three sons and we are grateful for the remarkable lifestyle Wairoa offers us.
My principal place of residence is in the Wairoa District area.
jeremy.harker01@gmail.com 027 243 0776
Ko tapatahi toku maunga, Ko mahi pono toku awa, Ko tangata tiriti toku iwi, Ko Olsen toku whanau, Ko Ken toku papa, Ko Shirley toku mama, Ko Murray toku ingoa, Ko toa papapaatuhi o Wairoa ahau.
Tena koutou katoa
I’ve been living in Wairoa for five years and have always taken an interest in council and community affairs. I am committed to the town, the district, and Wairoa Hopupu Honengenenge Matangirau, our main river, as well as all our other rivers.
I worked as a physicist before I retired. I was an Equity and Harassment Officer at the University of Queensland. Now I garden, fish, and ride my bikes, as well as participating in Facebook discussions in our town. I love finding solutions to problems as part of a good team.
I can do a lot to help develop Wairoa for all its people as a councillor. I want the chance.
My principal place of residence is in the Wairoa District area. I am also standing for Mayor.
muzza881@gmail.com 022 566 8548
Without a local voice there is no local action.
The importance of local government is significant, now more than ever.
Wairoa is facing major issues including Three Waters, Blanket Forestry, overreaching policies in agriculture, horticulture and environmental challenges eroding our community and local economy.
Critical thinking and diverse community representation is required to develop grass roots solutions best fit for Wairoa, ensuring a strong prosperous district, now and for future generations.
My experience comes from a lifetime of volunteering and working in horticulture, farming, community development and governance including local and central government.
I have been involved in these sectors in Wairoa for the past 26 years focusing on project management and professional fundraising, including Wairoa’s Destination playground right through to multi-million-dollar Provincial Growth Fund initiatives.
With this broad skillset I can help tackle these complex challenges facing our district while building on the positive initiative’s already in place.
My principal place of residence is in the Wairoa District area.
roz@visionprojects.co.nz 027 688 1762
Kia ora,
My wife Desiree and I, with our 8 children, have made Wairoa our home relocating from Waikaremoana 12 years ago, this decision was made based on our desire to invest into people. During this time, we managed and now own On Sight Security which has helped us to help others. My desire to continue to serve our community has brought us to this place of standing for Council.
I identify with both European and Māori heritage which enables me to recognize the importance of accepting people from all walks of life and different backgrounds. I want to honor the many people who supported us on this journey and have encouraged us to step into this important role of leadership.
We have endured wars, environmental changes and even pandemics, I am proud of the spirit of our people to not only survive but thrive.
Vote Waipatu Winitana for Wairoa.
My principal place of residence is in the Wairoa District area.
waipatuwinitana@gmail.com 021 281 1919
Tena tatou
Ko Benita Cairns, no uri o Mahia mai tawhiti, Na Nuhaka, Whakaki nui a rua o wai u me te Waikaukau.
Benita has dedicated her life to being a champion for Wairoa. Benita cares deeply for the people of Wairoa and is someone who can represent the interests of others from all walks of life.
Benita has worked in community services, business management and ran a successful shearing business with her partner of 33 years, Taylor Munro. It provided much needed employment for many people of Wairoa.
Benita also volunteers her time including as Chairman of Te Kuha Tarewa Marae. This commitment to give back stems from her upbringing when she would go collecting for Red Cross with her nan Lovey Hook. Her previous nine years as a Councillor and her passion for the place and the people holds her in good stead to represent Wairoa on Council.
My principal place of residence is in the Wairoa district area. I am also standing for Mayor.
benita.cairns@gmail.com 0274 977 281
Ka tangi te tītī, ka tangi te kākā, ka tangi hoki ahau, Tihei mauri ora! Ko Danika Goldsack taku ingoa, No Wairoa ahau, Ko Ngati Porou, Ko Ngati Kahungunu, Ko Nga Puhi oku iwi, Ko Hikurangi te Maunga, Ko Waiapu to awa, Ko Te Aowera te marae, Ko Te Aitanga a Mate te hapu.
I am a proud mother of my boys – Paora and Sam are in the navy and Materoa leaves for the BCT at the Navy this month. Nate attends Tiaho School.
I have worked at Ngati Kahungunu (Wairoa Taiwhenua) Inc. for 23 years and been a member of Potaka Māori Women’s Welfare League for the last 15 years.
I want to be part of a thriving Wairoa whanau who look after what we have for future generations. I want us all to excel.
“Whāia te titi kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei”
My principal place of residence is in the Wairoa district area.
danikagold@yahoo.co.nz 027 518 8661
Mai i te awa o te atua ki Tauhara maunga, Ko Taupō te moana, Ko Waitahanui te awa, Ko Pākira te marae, Ko Ngāti Tūtemohuta te iwi, Ko Melissa Kaimoana tōku ingoa, Ko Te Wairoa tōku kāinga.
E Wairoa mā, tēnā koutou katoa.
I come before you for the second time after a well worked three years. I did what I said I would do, I kept the grassroots of our community front of mind. I learnt many a thing along the way but I am proud to say I am still me. I am not a big talker, but I do walk what I talk, and I am very proud of our Te Wairoa. I will continue to be the constant reminder that we must always think people first. A People first centric brings our community better attitudes, and solutions to grow and nurture the future.
My principal place of residence is in the Wairoa district area.
kiwi.road@xtra.co.nz 027 350 7800
I’m a residential ratepayer living at 17 Main Road, Tuai. Born in Wairoa raised in Waikaremoana, a mother, a grandmother, four children, ten grandchildren and decades of achieved community milestones.
I’m delighted to be standing as a Māori ward councillor seeking your votes in this election to represent your Wairoa community and its surrounding districts, Waikaremoana, Tuai, Te Reinga, Frasertown, Raupunga, Mohaka, Putere, Nuhaka, Whakaki, Morere, Ruawharo and Te Mahia.
We are a very embracing Māori ward, Māori community with strong inter-tribal connections to Ngati Kahungunu , Ngati Ruapani, Tuhoe, Pahauwera, Rakaipaaka and Rongomaiwahine. I am a Rongoa Practitioner within the realms of healing at my Tuai Healing Clinic and my Lake House Retreat. I believe in the healing energies for our people, land, mountains, native forests, lakes, rivers, ocean.
Noho ora mai.
My principal place of residence is in the Wairoa district area. I am also standing for Mayor.
jennifertakutamoses@gmail.com 021 0262 6589
I am against rate increases. In the last two years there has been a 20% increase.
There should be medically qualified people to run the hospital under the new health system. Wairoa Hospital is a community hospital.
The Lake should not be sold to private owners.
I support the Wairoa netball community and the efforts of the supporters of this Kaupapa.
My principal place of residence is in the Wairoa district area.
waynetaylor849@gmail.com 021 0866 7893
Ko te Amorangi ki mua, ko te hāpai ō ki muri.
I am a first-term Māori Ward Councillor motivated by whakapapa and a passion to deliver positive Environmental, Social, Cultural and Economic outcomes for our Wairoa Community in everything that I do.
In this past term we have been committed to making great things happen for Wairoa and advocating on behalf of our community in council spaces and beyond.
There are a lot of changes on the horizon for Local Democracy and we need people who are both familiar with the Government reforms and committed to fight for what’s best for Wairoa.
If elected, I will continue to promote values and policies that will further enable growth, prosperity and decision making “BY WAIROA, FOR WAIROA”.
Whītiki, Māranga ra! Tātau, Tātau!
My principal place of residence is in the Wairoa district area.
chaanstc@gmail.com 021 213 3089
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