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Find out how to enrol, or check you are already enrolled, for the 2022 local Council elections
If you want to vote or take part in elections you need to to be enrolled to vote. Make sure you're enrolled and ready to vote in the 2022 local elections – so you can have your say on the issues that affect you and your family.
You are eligible to enrol and vote if:
For the purposes of registering as an elector, a permanent resident is someone who is entitled to live indefinitely in New Zealand.
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The preliminary electoral roll will be available for public inspection for a one-month period from Friday 15 July 2022 to Friday 12 August 2022.
The preliminary electoral roll will be available for inspection at:
The availability of these locations is subject to any COVID-19 restrictions in place. Should any COVID-19 restrictions be in place, refer to the council’s website.
Is this your main place of residence?
Have you lived at your current address for more than one month?
Are you on the Parliamentary Electoral Roll at an address in the Wairoa District Council area?
You will automatically appear on the electoral roll that is used for these elections.
Is this your main place of residence?
Are you on the Parliamentary Electoral Roll at an address in the Wairoa District Council area?
No or Don’t Know
You need to complete an enrolment form for this. You can either:
Is this your main place of residence?
Are you on the Parliamentary Electoral Roll at an address in another district?
If you own a property in this district and it is not your main residence you may be able to enrol as a non-resident ratepayer elector. Complete a Ratepayer Elector Enrolment Form and forward to your Electoral Officer.
You should enrol where you spend the greater part of your time.
Not necessarily. If you are enrolling for the first time you can decide whether you want to go on the Parliamentary Māori Electoral Roll or the Parliamentary General Electoral Roll by signing the appropriate panel on the parliamentary elector enrolment form.
However, if you have already made that choice you will have to wait until the next Māori Option period to change, which occurs following the next census, likely in 2023.
If you are enrolled on the Māori electoral roll, you will be able to vote for the mayor and the Wairoa Māori Ward councillors. If you are enrolled on the General electoral roll, you will be able to vote for the mayor and the Wairoa General Ward councillors.
The Electoral Commission will be undertaking a roll update campaign at the beginning of July 2022 for the Parliamentary Electoral Roll which forms the basis of the electoral roll for the Wairoa District Council elections.
If you do not receive a letter in the post during early July 2022, the chances are you are not enrolled, or your details are incorrect. You will then need to complete a Parliamentary Electoral Roll enrolment form.
You can check to see if you are enrolled at www.vote.nz or by phoning 0800 36 76 56.
Yes, but you need to make sure you have enrolled which you can do provisionally from the age of 17 and it automatically changes when you turn 18.
You will also need to apply for a special vote during the voting period (Friday 16 September 2022 to 12 noon Saturday 8 October 2022).
Special votes can be obtained from:
Yes, subject to being eligible as a non-resident ratepayer elector and becoming enrolled.
A non-resident ratepayer enrolment form is available:
The non-resident ratepayer enrolment form should be returned to the electoral officer by 12 August 2022 and no later than 7 October 2022 in order to vote.
If it is after Friday 12 August 2022, a special voting document will need to be requested and will be issued on 16 September 2022, the start of the voting period.
Is your name on the rates notice?
You may be eligible to be on the ratepayer electoral roll. Contact the Electoral Officer on 06 838 7309 and request a ratepayer enrolment form. This should be returned to the electoral officer by 12 August 2022 and no later than 7 October 2022 in order to vote. If it is after Friday 12 August 2022, a special voting document will need to be requested and will be issued on 16 September 2019, the start of the voting period.
If it is easier you can call at a special voting venue during the voting period (Friday 16 September 2022 to 12 noon Saturday 8 October 2022) and complete the ratepayer enrolment form and have your special vote at the same time.
In no case does this allow you to have two votes at an election.
Is your name on the rates notice?
You may not be eligible to be on the ratepayer electoral roll. Contact the Electoral Officer on 06 838 7309.
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While every endeavour has been taken by the Wairoa District Council to ensure that the information on this website is
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Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant
government agencies. Wairoa District Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content.
Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online
graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced
information or material is copyright to the respective provider.
© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz