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Find out who can vote and how to vote in the Local Government elections 2022.
VOTE 2022 campaign is about listening and engaging on the issues that matter to people that will make Wairoa and Hawke's Bay a better place to live, work and play. It’s about people having their say at the 2022 local elections and voting for the issues that they care about for their family, business and community.
There are two wards in the Wairoa District - the General Ward and the Māori Ward.
All electors, from both the General and Māori Ward, vote for one (1) Mayor for the Wairoa District.
In addition, three (3) Councillors will be elected from the General Ward and three (3) Councillors will be elected from the Māori Ward. Depending on if you are enrolled in the General or Māori Ward you will only be able to vote for the Ward that you are enrolled in.
E.g. if you are enrolled in the General Ward you will only be able to vote for one (1) Mayor and three (3) candidates for Council from the General Ward. If you are enrolled in the Māori Ward you will only be able to vote for one (1) Mayor and three (3) candidates for Council from the Māori Ward.
Anyone who is correctly enrolled can vote in the local elections where they live.
Also, voters who own property within a local council area, but who usually live outside this, can apply to go on the ratepayer roll. They will then be able to vote in the area where they pay rates, and the area where they live.
To go on the ratepayer roll, you need to apply to the electoral officer for the local council area in which you own property but do not usually live. The electoral officer will send you out a form to complete, sign and return so they can check your eligibility.
If you are registered on the unpublished roll, you will need to apply to the electoral officer at your local council to receive your voting papers.
Overseas voters can take part, but must ensure that they are correctly enrolled with an overseas postal address in order to receive their voting papers. Voting papers for local elections cannot be downloaded.
Check if you are enrolled here
Voting papers for the local elections will be sent by mail to all eligible voters (on the electoral roll) from Friday, 16 September 2022.
Voting opens on Friday, 16 September 2022 and close at 12 noon on Saturday, 8 October 2022.
If you are returning your voting paper by mail, you must post your voting paper in a NZ Post box before Tuesday, 4 October to reach the electoral officer before close of voting on 8 October 2022.
You can also drop your completed voting paper into a secure ballot box at Council offices, Coronation Square, 97 Queen Street, Wairoa.
If you do not receive a voting paper in the mail, or spoil your voting paper, contact the electoral officer and ask about doing a special vote.
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All local authority elections will be conducted by postal vote. Voting documents will be delivered by NZ Post between Friday 16 September 2022 and Wednesday 21 September 2022.
Use the original one and destroy the special vote.
No – Power of Attorney does not apply to voting for that person.
If they are overseas, you could fast post them to the person or destroy them if that is not practicable.
If they are for an elderly parent who is incapable of voting please destroy them by ripping/cutting them up. You cannot vote on their behalf unless instructed by them.
Write GNA (Gone No Address) on the envelope and put them back in the mail.
It is a legal requirement to scan the barcode to mark the electoral roll that you have returned your vote so we can ensure that we do not receive two votes from the same person.
Returned envelopes containing a voting document cannot be opened until there is a Justice of the Peace (JP) present. The JP is required to sign off that the processes used by the electoral officer met the legal requirements.
Note that the voter’s name is not shown on the voting document.
When the envelope is opened the only thing the electoral office is looking for is that the vote for each election is valid.
This means that for FPP elections we are making sure that the voter’s intention is clear and the voter has not ticked or marked more than the number of candidates than there are vacancies.
No you don’t have to vote, but we do encourage you to vote and exercise your democratic right.
You don’t have to vote for all candidates or for all elections. But your vote is important because the people elected will be responsible for making decisions about what happens in your community for the next three years.
To help you get to know about the candidates:
You can post it but make sure you have it in the mail by Tuesday 4 October 2022 to make sure it gets back to us in time (by 12 noon Saturday 8 October 2022).
However, you can also hand deliver your voting document to our secure ballot box during the voting period (Friday 16 September 2022 to 12 noon Saturday 8 October 2022) at the Council building, Coronation Square, 97 Queen Street, Wairoa.
You can use an envelope of your own and put the return address and Freepost number on it. (You will not need to put a stamp on the envelope if you write the Freepost number on the envelope).
Freepost number 4170
The Electoral Office
Wairoa District Council
PO Box 5135
Wellesley Street
Auckland 1141
You will need to call the electoral office on 06 838 7309 for a special vote to be sent.
Are you on the Parliamentary Electoral Roll for the address you want to vote for?
You will need to apply for a special vote. Please call the electoral office on 06 838 7309.
Are you on the Parliamentary Electoral Roll for the address you want to vote for?
No/Don’t Know
If you are not enrolled or not enrolled correctly on the Parliamentary Electoral Roll, you will need to complete an enrolment form for this. You can pick one up at any New Zealand Post Shop, or you can enrol online or ring 0800 36 76 56 or send your name and address to Freetext 3676.
This form needs to be with the Registrar of Electors before close of business Friday 7 October 2022.
You will also need to contact the electoral office for a special vote on +64 6 838 7309
If you can amend it so that your voting intention is clear, then do so.
If necessary, we can issue you with a special voting document (call the electoral officer on 06 838 7309), but this will take time and require you to complete a declaration.
You will need to contact the electoral officer for a special vote on +64 6 838 7309
Special votes can be obtained from:
Is it before Wednesday 21 September 2022 and I believe I am correctly registered on electoral roll?
Please wait until the mail has been delivered on Wednesday 21 September 2022. If your voting document is not received then please call the electoral officer on 06 838 7309.
Is it after Wednesday 21 September 2022 and I believe I am correctly registered on electoral roll?
You will need to apply for a special vote. Please call the electoral officer on 06 838 7309.
Is it after Wednesday 21 September 2022 and I believe I am not correctly registered on electoral roll?
You will need to complete a Parliamentary electoral roll enrolment form. These are available at any New Zealand Post Shop, or you can enrol online at or ring 0800 36 76 56 or send your name and address to Freetext 3676.
You will also need to contact the electoral officer for a special vote on 06 838 7309.
Under FPP you can vote for as many candidates as you want to but not more than the number of positions available on the voting document. So if you are electing three councillors (for the General or Maori Ward) then you can vote for up to three candidates. Remember, for FPP you tick the candidates you want to elect.
You can decide not to vote for one or more of the different elections on your voting document. This does not invalidate votes for other elections on your voting document.
You can only vote for the elections relevant to the area in which you live. You cannot vote for a candidate who is standing in another district because you are not an elector of that other district.
It will depend on which roll you are enrolled, whether it is the General roll or the Māori roll.
If you still have a query contact the electoral officer on +64 6 838 7309
You will need to call the electoral officer on +64 6 838 7309
No, your vote remains secret under the required separate roll scrutiny and vote counting procedures.
Under the Local Electoral Act 2001, you cannot interfere or influence any person as to how they can vote.
If authorised by a voter who is physically impaired, visually impaired or for whom English is a second language, a person can assist them to vote as directed by the voter.
They are delivered to the Wairoa District Court and kept for 21 days so that the Court can access them should there be any application for a recount or petition for inquiry.
After 21 days, the Court is responsible for destroying them.
FPP stands for first past the post voting system and is used for the Wairoa District Council elections.
The candidate or candidates that gets the most votes wins.
You should mark those you want to vote for with a tick in the circle. Do not vote for more than the number of candidates shown in the instructions.
+64 6 838 7309
+64 6 838 8874
Coronation Square, Queen Street, Wairoa
PO Box 54, Wairoa 4160, Hawke's Bay
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