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Find out who can vote and how to vote in the Local Government elections 2022.
Anyone who is correctly enrolled can vote in the local elections where they live.
Also, voters who own property within a local council area, but who usually live outside this, can apply to go on the ratepayer roll. They will then be able to vote in the area where they pay rates, and the area where they live.
To go on the ratepayer roll, you need to apply to the electoral officer for the local council area in which you own property but do not usually live. The electoral officer will send you out a form to complete, sign and return so they can check your eligibility.
If you are registered on the unpublished roll, you will need to apply to the electoral officer at your local council to receive your voting papers.
Overseas voters can take part, but must ensure that they are correctly enrolled with an overseas postal address in order to receive their voting papers. Voting papers for local elections cannot be downloaded.
You can only vote, or be nominated as a candidate, if you are enrolled on the NZ Parliamentary electoral roll.
Check if you need to update your voting papers or enrol to make sure you receive your voting papers.
If you are of Māori descent and enrolling for the first time, you have an important choice to make. You need to decide which electoral roll you want to be on: the general roll or the Māori roll.
After you have enrolled, you can only change rolls during the Māori Electoral Option which takes place every 5 or 6 years (after the Census). The next Māori Electoral Option is currently scheduled for 2024.
Enrolling or updating your details is easy.
If you are enrolled at your current address you should receive an enrolment information pack from the Electoral Commission in late June/early July by mail.
If you are registered on the Unpublished roll, you will need to apply to the Electoral Officer to get your voting papers.
If you are overseas, you can still take part in the elections. Just make sure you’re correctly enrolled with an overseas postal address to get your voting papers. You cannot download voting papers for a local election.
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz