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Search on for new Council CEO

door at council chambers

The search is on for a new CEO for the Wairoa District Council and at an extraordinary meeting last Friday, Council approved to contract the services of Equip to assist in the process.

Equip are Local Government New Zealand's Centre of Excellence and offer a range of specialist services to the local government sector, including executive recruitment services.

Mayor Craig Little said it was important that we ensure "business as usual" during this transition phase.

"We considered two proposals and given Equip's expertise in our sector, we've agreed that they should assist us as we search for our new CEO," Mr Little said.

"Equip will be going to the market on our behalf to recruit a CEO, similar to what they did recently at the Central Hawke's Bay District Council.

"This will also ensure that our Senior Leadership Team remain focused on delivering business as usual. 

"Equip will also be going to the market for us to recruit our new CEO and we're all excited about what this might mean for us.

"We want to continue the great work we have started over the last few years and ensure that the Wairoa district and the Wairoa District Council thrives now and into the future."


For more information:


Kitea Tipuna


Wairoa District Council


31 October 2018

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