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Protecting tamariki in their travels


Protecting tamariki in their travels to and from school is a key driver behind the Wairoa District Council Interim Speed Management Plan.

The council proposes implementing an interim speed management plan to reduce speeds in key locations, such as outside schools and along Marine Parade. The plan aims to adopt safe and appropriate speeds outside schools to enhance the safety of vulnerable users, most notably tamariki, in their travels to and from school.

Improving road safety was a focus of the Council’s Land Transport Activity Management Plan for 2021-24 in response to a poor road safety record for the Wairoa district.

Specific funding for safety improvements outside schools has been set aside, and the plan will also form part of the new ‘Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2022’, which requires road controlling authorities to reduce speed limits outside 40% of the schools in its district by July 2024.

While the rollout of new speed limits will be spread over the coming years, the Council wishes to undertake community consultation to cover multiple periods rather than engaging annually. The plan is for five schools (40%) to be completed in the 2021-24 LTP period and the remainder of schools in the 2024-27 period to comply with the new rule's requirements.

Kōhanga Reo, Early Childhood Education centres, marae and other community facilities are currently not included in the interim speed management plan but will be part of the entire speed management plan to be completed in 2023/24.

The plan takes in town and district-wide schools and will prioritise Marine Parade along with St Joseph’s and Wairoa Primary schools in town and Te Mahia, Nuhaka, and Ruakituri schools.

The remaining schools must have speed reductions in place by July 2027, with Frasertown, Mohaka, Putere and Ohuka, Wairoa College and Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngati Kahungunu o Te Wairoa and Tiaho Primary School identified.

The maximum speed limit allowed is 30km/h (default), unless the Roading Control Authority can demonstrate a higher speed limit is safe and appropriate, which could mean speeds of 40-60km/h.

The council had consulted on the interim speed management plan earlier in the year and received 13 submissions. These submitters are welcome to submit a new submission. Otherwise, the Council will consider their original applications.

Consultation with the highest priority schools is underway and will continue over the coming months.

The consultation period is underway and closes on Monday, December 4.

To make a submission:


• By post: Interim Speed Management Plan c/o Wairoa District Council Governance Team, 97 Queen Street, Wairoa.

• By emailing:

Or deliver your submission in person to the Wairoa District Office, Coronation Square, Wairoa.

18 December 2023

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