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Ensuring town properties have their roof water plumbed into the correct stormwater drainage is a focus of the Wairoa District Council.
Recent rain highlighted that some properties, particularly in the North Clyde area, may have roof water incorrectly plumbed into the wastewater system.
Wairoa District Council Chief Executive Kitea Tipuna said incorrect plumbing can cost Council and therefore the community a significant amount.
Wastewater is from sources like flushing toilets, showers, baths, and washing machines. This water goes from a house and into the wastewater system where it is treated. However, Council is finding some properties have their roof water, or stormwater, plumbed into their wastewater system. This means Council is paying to treat a whole lot of natural rain that doesn’t need treating.
“During the month of May we have had 263mm of rain. An average size house roof area is around 157.m2. If that house had its roof water incorrectly plumbed into the wastewater system, then that is an additional 41,000 litres that is being unnecessarily treated and managed.
“All roof water should be plumbed directly into the stormwater system, or homeowners may catch the water and hold it in a storage/water tank.”
Mr Tipuna said some of the incorrect plumbing may be historical and house owners are being urged to check to make sure the roof water is going into the stormwater system.
“Council staff and contractors will be inspecting properties, starting in North Clyde. The aim is to identify any issues so the houseowner can get the problem fixed and we can ensure all our water systems are operating at the optimum level.
“It is the house owner’s responsibility to ensure the house is plumbed correctly and we hope owners will work with us to ensure this is happening.”
28 May 2024
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