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Latest update for flood-affected Wairoa whanau - 28 June 2024


The latest update on Friday 28 June 2024

Wairoa declared a State of Local Emergency early morning on Tuesday 26 June following significant rainfall which had the potential to place lives and properties at risk.

Flooding impacted hundreds of properties in Wairoa’s eastern residential area on the southern side of town, in the vicinity of the Wairoa River mouth.

This is an incredibly hard time for our community, particularly so soon after last year’s flooding from Cyclone Gabrielle.

We have drawn on resources from across the country to help support flood impacted people and to ensure we can quantify the damage so we can plan for recovery.

A visual rapid assessment of properties has been completed and early indications are that 200 hundred homes have been flood-affected to some degree.

Wairoa District Council Rapid Building Assessments, using local staff and support from out of town, are underway and welfare checks are taking place. Please note, we have a lot of visiting people helping with our response, many have flown into town and may be driving around in organisation vehicles that are not their own.

The following are key points we have put together.

For all assistance please phone 06 838 7309 (available 24/7), call into the Wairoa District Council Queen Street office or can fill out an online request form

We will be sharing a lot of information, please stay up to date through the Wairoa District Council website and Facebook page.

Key advice:

  • Flood impacted items/debris: Please place all flood damaged items on the kerbside for collection. Please keep away from the kerb, channels and stormwater drains. If you can, please separate your items into:
    • Whiteware such as fridges (food removed), scrap steel, tin fencing etc
    • Hazardous items (gas bottles, paint)
    • Tyres
    • Household furniture and items including carpets, clothing etc
  • Flood-impacted homes: Flood impacted homes are being assessed. We urge everyone to be extremely cautious if you go back into your home as there may be hazards such as electrical faults, and other health and safety risks. You will know what the conditions are around re-entering you home based on the assessments and whether your house has received a yellow or red placard. Assessments will take time, if your house has been flooded and not received a placard, it may be that the team are still on their way.
  • Insurance: contact your insurer immediately. Record all damage, take photos. Some insurance assessors are already in town. If you have been affected, call your insurer, ask to lodge a claim. The sooner your claim is lodged the sooner an assessor will be at your property to assess the damage.
  • Banks: talk with your bank about how they may be able to offer some temporary assistance. 
  • MSD Civil Defence payment: If you have been affected by flooding you may be eligible for financial support, please call 0800 559 009 to apply.
  • Asbestos: Older houses, especially those constructed prior to 2000 may contain asbestos which can present a health risk. Typically, asbestos may be in cladding (internal and external), vinyl flooring, roofing panels, fireplace surrounds, fencing, pipe cladding, etc. If you think any waste or building materials you are removing may contain asbestos, please contact a registered ‘asbestos removal’ company to test the material and give advice.
  • Wairoa town supply water: is safe to drink, boiling is not necessary.
  • Assistance: Thank you for the offers of volunteer help. We are keeping track of the offers of help and will be organising a collated volunteer response. In the meantime, please feel free to help your whānau and friends. Volunteers have arrived in Wairoa today to help whanau with cleaning up their flood-affected homes. These volunteers are on stand-by to help move flood-affected waste from your house to the kerbside for pick-up.
  • Evacuation Centres: remain in place at the War Memorial Hall, Taihoa Marae and Hinemihi Marae. We are here to assist with your welfare needs.
  • Council is assisting with displaced animals.  
  • For updated local road closures, go to the Wairoa District Council website, and for State Highway traffic updates:

Please look after yourselves, your neighbours, friends and whanau. 

For all assistance, please phone 06 838 7309 (available 24/7), call into the Wairoa District Council Queen Street office or can fill out an online request form

28 June 2024

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