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Community solidarity

WDC flooddriveway 2606

“I am so proud of the community solidarity that is being shown in our town,” says Wairoa Mayor Craig Little.

“This latest flooding is terrible, and as I have walked the streets and visited homes the stories are just so sad. I know I haven’t been able to visit everyone, but I can reassure you, you haven’t been forgotten.

“A shining light is the people who are helping, from friends and family to volunteers and professional staff who have come to town – it really has been humbling to watch.

“I am still astounded that we have had two such significant flood events within such a short timeframe. I am mindful that we need to treat these two events in isolation to each other. We are still in the Recovery stage of Cyclone Gabrielle and our North Clyde community will not be forgotten.

“This new event brings different concerns, while there is not as much silt, we are in the middle of winter, and this has happened at a time when our community is already low.

“Well done to our support staff and Council team for having completed the Rapid Building Assessments. We have over 400 properties that were affected by flooding. At this stage 119 yellow placards have been issued, this does not include garages and outbuildings. A yellow placard means ‘Limited Occupancy’ and it is recommended that you do not sleep in the affected home. Priorities are to ensure homes are electrically safe, wastewater systems are working, the house is cleaned and disinfected and if wall linings have been removed ensure temporary bracing has been installed.

“We have been incredibly lucky to have a massive surge of support staff from all over the country who have been here to help us. From those people assisting our levels in the Emergency Operations Centre to the FENZ, Police and St John crews, Red Cross, Team Kiwi, our local iwi and NGO’s, the Rapid Relief Team and so many others who have been so generous with their support.

“We are trying to connect all our support together. If you are flood affected and need help of any type, from connecting with agencies to how to clean up from the flooding, please call the Council on 06 838 7309, fill in an online CSR (Customer Service Request) or call into the Council offices. We now also have the Wairoa District Council caravan moving around as an additional base.

“Thanks to the Council team for collating and contractors for collecting the flood-damaged items. As at lunchtime today we had collected around 150 tonnes of flood damaged items.

“Stay strong Wairoa, it is so great to see our community so united. We are here for you, supports are in place. Please reach out if you or someone you know needs help.”

3 July 2024

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