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Local State of Emergency lifted for Wairoa


A tough road to recovery lies ahead for Wairoa says Wairoa Mayor Craig Little.

One week after significant rainfall and flooding caused destruction in Wairoa on Tuesday 26 June, Wairoa District Council moves from response to recovery as the Local State of Emergency was lifted earlier today.

Wairoa Mayor Craig Little says the move is a significant milestone for the community as the community continues the clean-up of properties and supporting flood-affected whānau.

“We have a big job on our hands,” Mr Little says.

“Our community is now faced with a $40 million clean-up, on top of the recovery from Cyclone Gabrielle,” Mr Little says.

“It's soul crushing. What I’ve witnessed over the past week is heart-breaking.

“Many are uninsured. Some people are talking about leaving Wairoa for good because they’ve been flooded twice in seven months.

“This is the kind of stuff we’re hearing from people who have lived here for over 30 years.

“We don’t want this to happen; we want our people to feel safe without worrying their house is going to flood in the next rain.

“My aim is for those suffering to have some hope of a speedy and sound recovery, particularly those impacted whanau whose lives have been turned upside down with the loss of homes and belongings.

“I urge anyone struggling with the past week’s events to reach out for help and keep talking and supporting each other. We are together on this recovery journey and with resilience and aroha we will get through it, like we always do.

“Together with surge support staff from multiple agencies and organisations around the country, Wairoa District Council has worked fast to support the community, as well as assess flood-damaged homes.

“I am grateful to everyone who has come from far and wide to lend a hand. We appreciate your mahi.

“During the response for whanau who need welfare support, Council is committed to working in partnership with wrap-around services and mana whenua, who have been pivotal throughout the response.

“These important relationships will continue during the recovery phase.”

Over 400 properties have been affected by flooding and at this stage 120 yellow placards have been issued (not including garages and outbuildings).

As at 8.40am (Wednesday 3 July), $122,135 has been raised through the Mayoral Relief Trust and a dedicated Give A Little Page, which will be distributed to flood affected applicants as soon as possible.

Further donations are invited and information on how to contribute can be found on the dedicated Flood Information page at 

For further up-to-date information on the recovery, people should visit or call Wairoa District Council Customer Service Centre on 06 838 7309.

3 July 2024

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