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Advice on toilet facilities for flood impacted whanau

Wairoa whanau are still facing significant challenges following the recent flood, with many homes left without usable toilet facilities.
Council is advising flood-affected whanau to contact their insurance company for support if the toilet at their property is not useable due to plumbing problems.
A Council spokesperson says whanau should make their first call to their insurance company to seek support for the cost of a dedicated portaloo.
"You will also need to contact a trade provider to have the problem fixed," the spokesperson says.
"Please seek direction from your insurance company in this regard.
"If the problem with your toilet relates to the connection to the town sewerage network, please call Council immediately on 06 838 7309 and lodge a Customer Service Request.
"We will assess the issue when we can."
Council is aware that a number of people are working on their properties without access to toilet facilities.
"For those without insurance, or who can't get a portaloo through their insurance provider, while inconvenient, we request that you utilise other toilet facilities.
"We will awhi you as much as we can to ensure everyone in our community has access to basic amenities during this challenging time."
Fill in our online Customer Service Request Form if you require support.

18 July 2024

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