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A massive funding drop to support Wairoa’s future emergency resilience has seen around 60 local community groups secure money through the Cyclone Gabrielle Appeal Trust.
The Cyclone Gabrielle Appeal was launched to empower local communities to rebuild and support their resilience to respond to extreme weather events.
A total of 174 applications were made from Hawke’s Bay groups, with 59 successful Wairoa applications securing more than $1.5 million in support.
The successful Wairoa groups included marae, local community and sports organisations, clubs, trusts, schools, and community hall committees.
Many of the applications focused on future resilience, including emergency readiness and disaster preparation through improved infrastructure for community hubs and evacuation centres, solar power, heating and reliable water storage and filtration.
Funding will also be used for cyclone-related repairs and replacement, such as fencing and drainage.
Additional funding application focused on learning support and maara kai and horticulture for food sustainability.
Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said it was a great outcome to see so many local organisations apply for the funding and be successful.
“We are also very appreciative of the support we received from former Napier Mayor and fund trustee Barbara Arnott who encouraged Wairoa groups to submit funding applications. Because of this encouragement the Council was able to assist in facilitating workshops for community groups that were interested in applying to the fund. Having the opportunity to link community groups with funders ensured a high level of support for Wairoa and we appreciate the effort all these applicants went to.
“Emergency management is everyone’s responsibility, and we all need to be prepared as best we can. It is really encouraging to see marae, groups, and communities from throughout our vast district taking the lead to be prepared and support their whānau.
“In our district, we know what the impact of a disaster can mean, and it is reassuring that our communities are working to be as prepared as possible for any eventuality.”
The funding round for the Cyclone Gabrielle Appeal for $14 million opened on 20 March 2024 and closed on 29 May 2024. The demand was overwhelming, with 1370 applications requesting over $50 million, more than 360% more than the amount available.
The Cyclone Gabrielle Appeal raised $13,569,666. This amount, plus interest earned, enabled the Trustees to make grants to 558 projects aligning to the Trust funding round priority totalling $14,137,699.
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8 August 2024
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