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Creating hope was the message behind a Rotary initiative that saw the delivery of dehumidifiers and other equipment to help Wairoa flood-impacted people.
The Stortford Lodge Rotary Club of Hastings, in conjunction with the Wairoa Rotary Club, wanted to support Wairoa and felt the dehumidifiers and associated equipment were the best way to help with Wairoa’s post-flood needs.
Stortford Lodge Rotary Club project lead Stuart Knauf said the club applied for funding for the equipment through Rotary International. “Effectively, the club owns the equipment which can be lent to Wairoa people for as long as they need it and, in the future, to others as well.
“It has been great to have the Stortford Lodge and Wairoa Rotary clubs working together to help people. It’s a privilege for us to be able to put our support where it is needed by providing a service to the community and helping the people of Wairoa.”
Wairoa Rotary President Fenton Wilson said the loaning of the equipment demonstrates the reach of Rotary, which is an international service organisation. “Thank you to the Stortford Lodge Club for your work in sourcing this equipment and supporting the Wairoa community.”
If you need equipment to help dry your home, please apply for support by filling out a Wairoa District Council CSR (Customer Service Request) online via the WDC website: www.wairoadc.govt.nz/contact-us/customer-service-request, or phone the Council on 06 838 7309.
Caption: The Stortford Lodge Rotary Club of Hastings was the instigator of providing dehumidifiers and other equipment to help with drying houses for flood-impacted people in Wairoa. Pictured are Stortford Lodge Rotarians, Ken Haines, Pete Mackie, Brian Kelsey and Stuart Knauf, who, along with Wairoa Rotarian of 55 years John Gemmell, and Wairoa Rotary President Fenton Wilson presented the equipment to Wairoa Recovery Kaimanaaki Matua Rupene Amato and Māori Wardens Anna Cook, Sophia Harris and Janie Wichman who have been helping distribute goods and products to those in need via the Wairoa Pātaka.
22 August 2024
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