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This week’s National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) announcement from Transport Minister Simeon Brown brought positive news for Hawke’s Bay. Funding to start building the four-lane Hawke’s Bay Expressway has been confirmed, as has funding to commence detailed design, initial enabling works and purchase property for a comprehensive realignment project for Waikare Gorge on State Highway 2.
Napier Mayor, Kirsten Wise, says it’s great to have confirmed funding and a starting date for the four-laning of the Hawke’s Bay Expressway, which will progress as one of Government’s first Roads of National Significance projects.
“As well as being an important economic and freight connection between the cities and to the Port, this 27km stretch of road is also a critical lifeline for the Hawke’s Bay region, linking the airport in Napier, the hospital in Hastings and providing essential connections to neighbouring towns and regions.
“With our continually growing population in Hawke’s Bay, it has been nearing capacity for some time, which is contributing to a myriad of safety and congestion issues, and slower journey times.”
Martin Williams, Chairperson of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Transport Committee, says he welcomes central government funding and its commitment to deliver these critical projects.
“The Waikare Realignment project is the number one priority project in our new Regional Land Transport Plan that was submitted for National Land Transport Funding this year.
“The region has been clear and aligned in its views that the Waikare Realignment project is the most suitable solution to add resilience to this vital economic and lifeline link, moving the river crossing out of harm’s way and contributing to reduced travel times for road users.”
He says both projects form an important part of a wider plan to rebuild the region’s transport network stronger and smarter, ensuring more resilient links for communities.
Craig Little, Mayor of Wairoa, says while he is pleased the realignment project has been included in the NLTP, he would like to see this work fast-tracked given the vulnerability of the bailey bridge at the bottom of the gorge.
“This bridge is more vulnerable than the one that washed away during the cyclone so until we have a more long-term solution, Wairoa, Tairāwhiti and the East Coast remain at risk of being cut off again.
“Our communities are heavily dependent on this road – it’s the critical link south to Hawke’s Bay, to our base hospital and many additional vital support systems. There is no alternative route, and we can’t sustain another period of isolation like the three months we experienced last year.”
He says he understands the fiscal constraints of central government but remains hopeful the necessity of this project will see it escalated.
Hastings Mayor, Sandra Hazlehurst, welcomed the project announcement saying it is vital for the north of the Hastings district, Wairoa and beyond.
“There’s been a high level of community anticipation surrounding this for several years, and as a region we fully support central government investment to enable this resilience project to move forward.
“Improving this road and making it safe is important for our region’s economic wellbeing, being a vital route for transportation of goods around the region and to the Port.
Subject to satisfactory completion of the initial design, consenting and property work, construction of the realignment would be likely to take place in the 2027 – 2030 NLTP period.
The NLTP funding allocation, alongside the additional funding for Cyclone related recovery work on local roads signalled in the 2024 budget position Hawke’s Bay strongly to keep moving towards a more resilient region. The final piece of the puzzle will be confirmation of enhanced funding for local road recovery projects, so this work can be delivered at pace.
Alex Walker, Mayor of Central Hawke’s Bay says roads are the bread and butter of infrastructure for building thriving rural communities.
"Investment that helps our rural communities do well, is investment in making our entire community stronger with greater economic opportunities."
9 September 2024
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