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An “extremely constructive” meeting with NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) Chair, Simon Bridges, has confirmed $91 million of funding will be allocated to Hawke’s Bay’s local roading recovery this year, says the region’s leaders.
Wairoa Mayor, Craig Little, says the councils were heartened by the outcome of Friday’s meeting in this regard.
“It was great to get the clarity we’ve been so desperately seeking, and to have it confirmed that the Hawke’s Bay region will, in the current 2024/25 year, receive the full $91 million allocated as part of Budget 24.
“This is exactly what we need as a region to be able to hit the ground running when the construction season kicks off next week.”
Hastings Mayor, Sandra Hazlehurst, said the funding commitment provides further reassurance that this Government is prepared to listen to the needs of cyclone hit regions and support vital recovery activity.
“It was fantastic to meet with Chair Bridges on Friday, to hear him echoing our desire to move quickly and agreeing on the need to cut through bureaucracy and red tape in order to deliver for our communities.
“Friday’s funding commitment is yet another example of the continued excellent support and investment we’ve received from Prime Minister Luxon and Transport Minister Simeon Brown as we work to rebuild our region’s severely damaged local roads and bridges.”
Central Hawke’s Bay Mayor, Alex Walker, says the focus needs to turn to translating the decisiveness and clarity from Mr Bridges into formal funding approvals and on the ground projects.
"I have been anxious about being able to ensure our district is going to get the funding and project approval ahead of the summer construction season, so I am really grateful we have been given this assurance it is coming," Walker says.
"All I wanted to do is give certainty to our kaimahi and contractors ahead of Christmas, so we all know that we can get on with the mahi.
“The roads we are fixing up are economic and social enablers. Rebuilding them reconnects our communities and strengthens our primary sector and the entire region's economy."
23 September 2024
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