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Tukua mai, Wairoa!
It’s time to celebrate OUR place; and Council wants to hear from the community about what makes Wairoa a great place to live, work and play.
This is all part of Council’s Long-Term Plan pre-engagement process, which will take place over the next month or two.
Council is keen to hear what you want and what your thoughts are about our town, to help us put together our next 10-year planning document (our LTP).
As part of this process, Council is also holding several public meetings for you to take part in.
Council also took the time to ask some members of the community what their aspirations were for Wairoa.
The participants included Community Constable Nicki Davies, primary school principals Richard Lambert and Tangi Geary, Wairoa College student MJ Keefe Taeoalii, musician Kiri Gilbert, Kohanga Reo kaiako Matua Rangi and E Tū Wairoa’s Ngaire Sparkes.
Each of these participants expressed their opinions on what made Wairoa unique.
“We in Wairoa tend not to overthink the little things,” Kohanga Reo kaiako Matua Rangi told Council.
This is your chance to let us know why Wairoa is a great place, kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face), and what you want our district to look like for your whānau.
Council will be advertising the dates and times for these meetings on our website, Facebook page and the Wairoa Star in the next week or two.
Council will also take our community caravan to these locations; I encourage you to come and speak with us.
To have your say, visit this link http://www.wairoadc.govt.nz/our-council/make-it-count-wairoa/
31 October 2018
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