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Are you involved with your marae and interested in planning for the future?
Do you want tools to start planning and to understand some of the organisations you can access for more help?
A workshop is being held next month. It aims to support active marae members who want to develop plans for the future of their marae, and are keen to workshop some practical steps forward.
There is also an opportunity to look at who else can support the marae in achieving future aspirations and how your projects may align with Internal Affairs funding.
Workshop details:
Date: Thursday, 19 October, 2017
Time: 10am to 2pm
Venue: War Memorial Hall, 91-95 Queen Street, Wairoa.
RSVP: For more information or to RSVP for the workshop, please email kylie.turuwhenua-tapsell@dia.govt.nz or phone 06 868 1963.
31 October 2018
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