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Council CE stepping down

2022 08 18 08.51.20 Land

Wairoa District Council Chief Executive Kitea Tipuna is stepping down from the top role but will maintain his strong relationship with the Council.

In announcing his resignation, Mr Tipuna said it has been a privilege to work for the Wairoa community, but his whānau are his priority. “My family have asked me to serve in a religious capacity, and due to the time commitments required, I cannot do justice to both roles.”

Mayor Craig Little said he is saddened by the decision but understands the circumstances and supports Kitea with his decision. “This is a huge blow for the Council, but I am confident that through Kitea’s leadership, we have robust processes in place.

“Kitea has been with the Council for more than a decade, the last three years as the Chief Executive. We have been lucky that his whānau supported him to work with us for as long as they did, and we respect his decision to put his family and church first.”

Mr Little said elected members have enjoyed a great rapport with Kitea. “From the aftermath of COVID-19 to weather and flood events, three waters and a rates review, Kitea has been the face of the Council and through his leadership our town has survived some really tough times.

“I have shared an incredible relationship with Kitea both at work, and outside work. He is well-liked and very respected locally and throughout Local Government in New Zealand.

“We have been fortunate to have a competent and qualified local person who understands Wairoa’s unique needs. There is always a place for Kitea at the Council, and it is great he will remain in Wairoa as he has an enormous amount of local knowledge.”

Council Chief Executive Panel Chair Melissa Kaimoana said during Kitea’s tenure, Wairoa has been dealt some enormous challenges which the Council has had to navigate its way around. “Kitea has provided a safe pair of hands and understands Wairoa’s unique needs. We are grateful for the work he has done, and we acknowledge the way he has led the Council staff and supported elected members over the past three years.”

Council will begin its recruitment process in the new year, with Mr Tipuna expected to officially finish in April 2025.

18 December 2024

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