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NOTE: Time frames extended from January 22 to February 9, and community consultation expanded for proposed Revenue and Finance Policy Consultation.
Please see the image below for community consultation dates and locations.
Wairoa District Council is proposing significant changes to its Revenue and Financing Policy, and now wants feedback and input from you, the people of Wairoa.
This matter affects everyone in the district and will determine how the Council derives the revenue it needs in order to undertake activities on behalf of the community at desired service levels for several years.
Therefore, Council determines that is a matter of high significance. In accordance with section 83 of the Local Government Act 2002, this statement of proposal initiates a special consultative procedure.
Council is seeking the community’s views on the proposed changes. The full proposed Revenue and Financing Policy, along with analysis of key changes, are included with this statement of proposal.
Council has completed a review of its 35 activities and determined appropriate funding sources for each, and an appropriate allocation of the revenue requirements among user groups and ratepayers.
To submit your feedback please click on the link below.
Statement of Proposal - Revenue and Financing Policy and the calculation of Rates
Funding needs determination
7 January 2019
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz