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Statutory Reserves Board - Matangirau

The Wairoa District Council at its meeting last week was unanimous in their support for the establishment of a Statutory Reserves Board in partnership with Te Tira Whakaemi o Te Wairoa (Te Tira) – to be known as Matangirau.

The Reserves Board forms part of the treaty settlement currently being negotiated between Te Tira and the Crown. The Board will be established to initially manage five reserves (two Crown and three Council owned reserves) in and around the Wairoa River mouth.

The Board will have representatives from Te Tira (3) and the Wairoa District Council (3).

Developing a durable working relationship between Te Tira and the Wairoa District Council is important to the future development of our whole community says Mayor Craig Little.

“We understand that there is a compelling case for better relationships and that strong partnerships are created through mutual respect, input and responsibility.”

“We’ve also considered the need to consult with our community on this matter, and rather than duplicate the process, which could be quite costly to our ratepayers, we will be encouraging our community to get involved in the Parliamentary Select Committee process.”

“Once legislation to give effect to parts of a settlement has been introduced to Parliament, it will be referred to a Select Committee. Anyone who wishes to present their opinions, observations, and recommendations on this matter is able to make a submission to the Select Committee and we will be encouraging our ratepayers and community to take full advantage of this process,” says Mr Little.

“We’ve been involved right from the very start with Te Tira and the Crown with developing this proposal. What is also important is that we are not obligated to participate, but I think these discussions demonstrate that the Wairoa District Council is serious about a genuine relationship with Te Tira.”

“We have made a commitment to keeping our community up-to-date about what is happening and we will also promote the Crown’s statutory consultation process that will take place and how our community can be part of this," says Mr Little.

Te Tira are looking to initial their Deed of Settlement with the Crown in March 2016. Following that, Te Tira will be undertaking a comprehensive ratification process with its beneficiaries across Aotearoa – New Zealand and Australia beginning here in Wairoa.


For more information:

Kitea Tipuna
Communications Strategist
Wairoa District Council
(06) 838 7309

John Whaanga
Lead Negotiator
Te Tira Whakaemi o Te Wairoa
(027) 459 1523

29 June 2016

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