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IDEAS around what Wairoa’s CBD could look like, and what could do with a bit of sprucing up, have been voiced, but Wairoa District Council wants to hear more.
More than 50 Wairoa residents had their say at a recent community engagement meeting but that was only the beginning.
Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said for years people have wanted to see improvements around the CBD.
“This is the chance for people to put their thoughts out there and share their vision and ideas.
“Now is the time to get involved and tell us how you think the town centre should look, what needs sprucing up, what our issues are and how we can solve them.
"We've heard about closed shops, safety and security, the need to attract more diverse businesses into the CBD and that we have a drab looking town centre that needs a spruce-up. This is about responding to those issues.
"We want to know what the community sees as the current issues/opportunities for our town centre, what the community’s vision is and how much of the CBD should be covered by this project."
To encourage engagement council has set-up display and information stations at the council offices in Queen Street, the Wairoa library and the Wairoa i-Site.
The purpose of the display stations is to encourage people to take part in the CBD project and to explore issues and opportunities and submit feedback.
It is also hoped people who are really interested in the development project will join a stakeholder engagement group.
The stakeholder group will be actively involved and engaged regularly by the project group from the early information-gathering phase to the design and implementation phases.
Submissions close on March 29.
31 October 2018
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