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'Dangerous building' notice issued on old Angus Gemmell building


A “dangerous building notice” has been issued to the owner of the old Angus Gemmell building, meaning they now have a set time frame to ensure remedial work is undertaken.

The notice was issued to the owner based on an assessment by Council’s building control officers.

If the owner fails to carry out any remedial work in the given time, Council can undertake the work and recover the costs from the owner.

Council’s chief executive Steven May says as a result of the assessment, he has authorised a “dangerous building notice” to be placed on the building to ensure the safety of the community.

The area underneath the awning is already fenced-off, and the footpath is blocked. Council has established a walk-around path for pedestrians.

“Council is working with the owner regarding this matter and they will be notified with a set time for the structure to be made safe,” Mr May says.

“Council will try to minimise the disruption to the community as much as possible, but Council has a statutory obligation to ensure compliance."

Council’s sole aim in this exercise is to ensure the safety of our community.”


31 October 2018

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