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Consultation on draft Long Term Plan 2018-28

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Long Term Plan (LTP) 2018 - 2028

Tēnā rā tātau katoa ki tā tātau Mahere Pae Tawhiti 2018-28. Ko te āhuatanga o tēnei Mahere Pae Tawhiti hei mea angitu ki tā tātau hapori: ngā takitahi, ngā iwi, ngā hapū, ngā tūmōmō pākihi, ōhanga rānei; kia whakawhāiti mai ki tā Kaunihera aronga, whakaarotau, hōtaka mahi me ngā mahere pūtea hoki ki ngā tau tekau e whai ake nei. Kua puta te Kaunihera te kaupapa ‘Tukua Mai’ i te tau 2017. I taua wā i uia te hapori e mātau, me pēhea tātau hei whakatau ngā aronga, ngā whakaarotau, ngā hōtaka mahi me ngā mahere pūtea? Mai i ngā whakautu, ka taea e te Kaunihera ngā aronga mō ētahi kaupapa matua mā koutou hei whakaarohia. Ka whakauia mai anō mātau mō tā koutou whakawhāiti ki te kaupapa anō hoki. Ko te ‘Hāpaitia’ te kupu kitenga ki te wāhanga nei o te Mahere Pae Tawhiti.

Tēnā ra tātau katoa and welcome to our Long-term Plan (LTP). This 2018-28 LTP has provided an opportunity for our community: individuals, iwi, hapū, local organisations and businesses; to become involved with Council’s direction, priorities, work programme and budgets for the next 10 years. “Hāpaitia” is Council’s vision for this LTP engagement and includes key themes like sustainability, having pride in our place, keeping you at the forefront of our operations as a local government body and getting on with the job. Although economic development remains a key priority for us, maintaining our levels of services and infrastructure is core business for us. Infrastructure provides a foundation for building strong and resilient communities and Council will be investing in infrastructure over the life of this plan.

We will continue to focus on growing our population, transforming our district, and delivering a world class service. We are not prepared to sit back and do nothing. In saying that, decisions will be made with the whole community in mind. We understand that some of these decisions might be difficult, but they will be necessary for us to all achieve our goals. We would like to commend this Council and staff for having the courage to tackle these issues head-on, and with the best of intentions.

Council undertook an LTP pre-engagement process called “Tukua Mai”, where we asked you how we should set our priorities, work programme, direction and budgets. Based on that feedback, Council has now prioritised some key projects for you to consider. We are now asking you to become involved with this consultation process. “Hāpaitia” is the theme for this stage of the LTP and we want you to be involved.

Explore the 2018-28 Long Term Plan

To explore the 2018-28 Long Term Plan please click here.

Tukua mai – Have your say

Making your opinion on the 2018-28 Long Term Plan heard is easy. Simply choose one of the options below and submit your feedback.

  • Online
    submit using our online submission portal
  • Email it
    Complete the submission form, scan it and send it to
  • Drop it off
    Complete the submission form on the back of the Consultation Document and drop it off at the Wairoa District Council office.
    Coronation Square, Queen Street, Wairoa
  • Post it
    Complete the submission form and send it to Wairoa District Council.
    P.O. Box 54, Wairoa 4160

Consultation Period

29 May - 26 June (submissions close 26 June, 4.30pm)

Public Meetings

Please have a look below for dates and locations of our public meetings. Some public meetings will be live streamed on Facebook, below you'll find which ones will be live streamed and also the link to our Council Facebook page.

  • Thursday, June 14, 2018 - 5.30pm to 7.30pm: Hauora Building (old school), Raupunga
  • Monday, June 18, 201 - 5.30pm to 7.30pm: Community Hall, Tuai
  • Tuesday, June 19, 2018 - 5.30pm to 7.30pm: Erepeti Marae, Ruakituri
  • Wednesday, June 20, 2018 - 5.30pm to 7.30pm: Mokotahi Hall, Mahia
  • Thursday, June 21, 2018 - 5.30pm to 7.30pm: War Memorial Hall, Wairoa

All those who take part in engaging with council will go in the draw to win spot prizes, including two $100 New World vouchers. Council also has 10 double passes to the Gaiety Theatre to give away to the kids who take part.

Council Meetings

Submission Hearings

2 July 2018 - War Memorial Hall


3 July 2018

Final Adoption

18 July 2018

5 June 2018

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