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A commitment to upgrading Wairoa’s wastewater network, enhancing the stormwater system and strengthening bridges across the district are among a handful of key projects to be considered under Wairoa District Council’s 2018-2028 Long Term Plan (LTP).
Council adopted its 2018-2028 Long Term Plan at a meeting on Monday, and is now inviting everyone to have their say about the projects in this plan.
Mayor Craig Little says this LTP is about investing in the “core business” of Council’s operations and uplifting our community.
“In order to achieve our community’s objectives and vision, and maintain services and infrastructure, we need to focus on these significant projects,” Mr Little says.
“Infrastructure sets a foundation for building a strong and resilient community, and Council will be seeking to invest in infrastructure over the life of this plan.
“These projects will keep our district moving forward and are necessary to continue or improve our services to our people, and ensure regulatory compliance.”
“Council is encouraging you to help set these priorities and programmes, to help nurture a brighter tomorrow and invest in the future.
“These projects are priorities that the community have decided the need to focus on more, based on public feedback from previous Annual Plans and Council’s LTP pre-engagement process last year.”
A $6.5 million preferred option – to significantly change Council’s existing wastewater network – is a key priority in this Long Term Plan.
This option is proposing to increase its treatment of wastewater before discharging. The BPO option also allows Council to consider transitioning to land discharge in future.
“The community has been leading the way around this project and we understand their concerns when it comes to the wastewater discharge.
“This option certainly is the most affordable for our ratepayers, but also allows Council to address community concerns that have arisen and potentially transition to land discharge.
“The BPO option includes continued efforts to reduce stormwater and groundwater inflow into the wastewater network, through various upgrades and removal of illegal connections.
Another key proposal is a $1.2 million project over two years to pipe open drains and build new footpaths.
This programme includes 1000m of extra footpath and 500m of piped drains each year, which will lead to an improved community environment.
The community will be asked for their feedback on a total of 10 significant projects in this LTP. Those plans are now up for consultation and engagement.
To download and read the LTP consultation document, and submit your feedback, visit Wairoa District Council’s website on www.wairoadc.govt.nz/ltp2018.
You can also email your feedback to info@wairoadc.govt.nz or fill out a submission form and drop it off at Council’s Queen Street office.
Alternatively, you can post your form to Wairoa District Council, PO Box 54, Wairoa, 4160.
Submission forms and consultation documents are also available at Council’s Queen St office, the Wairoa i-SITE, the Wairoa library, Osler’s Bakery, New World, the Wairoa Taiwhenua, the Wairoa College, BJ’s Dairy in Frasertown and the Mahia Beach Store.
31 October 2018
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