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Sight rail sections recently installed near the Mohaka township have been removed and Wairoa District Council Engineering Manager, Jamie Cox says that he’s really disappointed that people would even think of removing roadside sight rails.
“Sight rails are in place to highlight dangerous roadside hazards on sections of road and their removal could potentially lead to serious damage or harm.”
The sight rails which have been removed are on a section of road near the Mohaka Township identifying a steep drop into the Mohaka River.
“Sight rails are there so that drivers can see dangerous roadside hazards and signals to them to drive with extreme caution.”
“I’m amazed that anyone would even think of removing sight rails. This is just really dumb and it could potentially result in some serious accidents happening or worse, a fatality.”
“I want to encourage our community to not tolerate this sort of behaviour and if you see or know of anyone removing sight rails, please contact us at Council or the Police. Anyone found removing sight rails will be prosecuted,” says Mr Cox.
Sight rails are constructed with timber and painted white and are used on roads to identify hazards like curves, bridges, culverts and intersections.
31 October 2018
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