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Have your say on LTP to help plan our future - Mayor

LTP poster 1


Part of our future planning around waste water, and basically everything Wairoa, is centred around the Wairoa District Council Long-Term Plan 2018-28.

This document is about what our community wants over the next decade. The consultation period for people to have their say is still open and I encourage everyone to put their thoughts forward to help us plan to make our community the best it can be.

The current long-term plan contains 10 significant projects we need to focus on to achieve our objectives and vision as a community.

Council is committed to investing in our core business as an organisation. This means maintaining our services and infrastructure.

We have already received feedback from a pre-consultation process which involved council representatives out in the community in the caravan. Our consultation period is open for a month, with submissions closing on Tuesday June 26 at 4.30pm.

To download and read the LTP consultation document, and submit your feedback, visit Wairoa District Council’s website on

Submission forms and consultation documents are also available at council’s Queen St office, the Wairoa i-SITE, the Wairoa library, Osler’s Bakery, New World, BJ’s Dairy in Frasertown and the Mahia Beach Store.


7 January 2019

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