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It's time to rug up but don't forget your pets, Wairoa


As Wairoa starts breaking out the winter woollies, Council is reminding animal owners not to forget their pets too.

Council bylaw enforcement team leader Paul Van Dorrestein says he is concerned about pet owners not providing adequate warmth and shelter over the chilly period.

He is reminding animal owners to keep their animals warm during what has been forecast to be one of the coldest winters in years.

“The amount of stock and animals we’ve had to deal with recently due to lack of feed, fencing and appropriate warmth is unacceptable,” Mr Van Dorrestein says.

“As owners, you are responsible for your animals.

“During this time, we see stock and dogs in some very horrible conditions because they are left out in the cold.

“Please take this as a warning and a reminder that you are responsible for your animals.

“Ensure that your dogs and animals are warm and that you are giving them enough food to sustain them.”

Council underwent a similar campaign about six months ago, reminding animal owners of their responsibilities during summer.

If you would like to speak with our bylaw enforcement team, or you would like more information, you can visit Council’s website on 06 838 7309.

31 October 2018

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