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Warning: keep dogs under control

Dog 2

As a dog owner you have obligations to ensure that your dog is kept under control at all times, this is a requirement of the Dog Control Act says Enforcement Team Leader Paul Van Dorrestein.

This simply means that your dog cannot leave your property without you or another responsible person having control of it, Section 52A DCA 1996.

Wandering, roaming dogs can cause great concern to other members of the public. 

Your dog could also be injured by a vehicle or another animal if it is wandering unsupervised. 

It is an offence to fail to keep your dog under control, it can result in infringements being issued, or in extreme cases if convicted in a Court, fines up to $3000.

Animal control officers once notified of a roaming dog will attempt to catch the dog and if caught the dog will be impounded.

Once the dog has been impounded, the owner if known, will be notified and asked to come into Council to organise the release the dog from the pound.

The dog control act does not allow impounded dogs to be released from the pound unless all fees and charges are paid in full, and the dog is registered and microchipped.

Impounded dogs will not be released outside normal Council hours, and will not be released over the weekend, this also includes long weekends like Queens Birthday or Easter weekend.

While a dog is impounded, Council have a duty of care to ensure the dog is feed, watered, and given shelter.

The Council pound is off limits to all members of the public, if your dog is impounded you will need to contact Council to discuss your impounded dog.

It is extremely important that if you think that your dog may be impounded phone the Council on 06 838 7309.

If your dog is missing outside normal Council hours or on a weekend still contact us on the Council number, your call will go through to our after-hours service and the on call Animal Control Officer will be notified.

Animal Control officers will try to assist dog owners by offering advice and alternatives to try to stop your dog from roaming, so if you would like some advice on this issue please feel free to contact them.

31 October 2018

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