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Over the past month there has been an increase in the number of complaints received from members of the public regarding barking dogs.
Persistent and loud barking, howling or whining of any dog creates a nuisance.
If nuisance barking is confirmed by the attending Animal Control officer, the officer is permitted to enter the property to inspect the conditions of the dog and how it is kept, through the Dog Control Act.
If your dog is creating a nuisance you may be give a written notice requiring you to address the barking nuisance within a specified period of time, this is normally seven days.
If the barking continues, the offending dog can be removed from the property and impounded. Infringements can also be issued, and in extreme cases, Court action will proceed and if convicted of the offence a fine of up to $1500 will be issued.
The dog control act does not allow impounded dogs to be released from the pound unless all fees and charges are paid in full, and the dog is registered and microchipped.
In the case of a barking dog the barking issue must also be addressed before the dog can be released.
Impounded dogs will not be released outside normal Council hours, and will not be released over the weekend, this also includes long weekends like Queens Birthday or Easter weekend.
While a dog is impounded, Council have a duty of care to ensure the dog is fed, watered, and given shelter.
The Council pound is off limits to all members of the public, if your dog is impounded you will need to contact Council to discuss your impounded dog.
Bylaw Enforcement Team Leader Paul Van Dorrestein says that in most cases the dog is barking because of boredom, or the owner has gone to work.
“The Animal Control team are more than happy to offer advice to owners, sometimes by simply moving the kennel or run, or a large bone being left out can sort a dog barking issues out,” Mr Van Dorrestein said.
Once again, the Wairoa District Council Animal Control Team are happy to offer advice on any dog related matter in an effort to assist dog owners in the Wairoa District, simply contact us on 06 838 7309.
31 October 2018
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