Current filter:
Unfortunately the water upgrade for the Blue Bay sections will not be completed by Christmas 2018 as initially planned. Council have considered possible solutions to solve the Blue Bay water challenges and now wish to formally engage with affected property owners.
Please note: If Blue Bay property owners are considering Option Two as the best solution, Wairoa District Council will pay the fee for each property for the consents to be changed, thereby removing Council’s obligation to supply water.
However, Option Two is only possible if EVERY Blue Bay property owner decides that Option Two is the best option.
Wairoa District Council incurred costs of approximately $57,000 in pursuing the option to utilise the old bore. However, Council acknowledge that the expectation from property owners was there would be a water supply available before Christmas 2018.
Wairoa District Council has filled the four existing water tanks from the existing Blue Bay bore and has energised the water system to give the subdivision (i.e. 44 sections) three active fire hydrants.
Fulton Hogan have completely isolated the 44 properties so the water tobies on the properties are now inactive i.e. no water.
As Blue Bay residents were expecting water for this Christmas holiday period, Wairoa District Council are concerned that Blue Bay residents may try to access water from other more risky sources. Wairoa District Council would like to put three taps on the road side, connected to the existing water supply, and allow the residents over the holiday period to use this for general use such as, filling up caravan grey water systems etc (note: this water is non-potable, non-drinkable).
If Option Two is considered the best option by the property owners, then Wairoa District Council will continue to operate and maintain the three road side taps and fire hydrants.
Above each of the road side taps there will be signage to indicate that the water supplied is non-potable water not intended for drinking.
To help further reduce the risk, Wairoa District Council will filter the water with 5 and 20 micron filters, and regularly dose the water with minimal chlorine. (Note: This water is classed as non-potable water due to the Water Treatment Plant not meeting the Drinking Water Standards NZ).
The three taps by each fire hydrant will be on the road side and due to capital cost constraints can only be located by each fire hydrant.
Wairoa District Council has advised the Ministry of Health about the road side tap solution. They understand the reasoning and are happy with the solution.
Wairoa District Council are committed to working with Blue Bay property owners to find a solution and look forward to your feedback.
Alternatively you can email your feedback to stephen@wairoadc.govt.nz.
Note: A Meeting with Blue Bay Property Owners could also be considered however this will prove difficult as most property owners are out of the Wairoa District.
For more information contact Stephen Heath - stephen@wairoadc.govt.nz or 06 838 7309
4 December 2018
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