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There has been a marked improvement in dog-related offences at Mahia over the busy summer holiday break.
Wairoa District Council compliance team leader Paul van Dorrestein said Council had not received any reports of serious dog attacks over the Christmas/New Year break which was a great result.
“The whole of Mahia Beach is a dog lead area, and we have increased our signage to remind dog owners of their responsibilities.
“It has been really good to see the Mahia community aware of the dog lead rule, and they have been supporting it too which has been really helpful.”
Mr van Dorrestein said for the same period last year Council received two dog attack reports, so it was great to have none this time around.
“Council staff have been carrying out regular patrols reminding people of their obligations, and that along with increased signage has helped.”
He said the $200 fine for not having a dog under control and a $100 fine for not carrying a leash in public is also a strong deterrent.
“It is in everybody’s interest to have dogs on leads, and while it is work in progress, the message does seem to be getting through.
“I look forward to the time, and hopefully it’s very close, where there will be no dog on lead issues because all dog owners are compliant.”
Wairoa Mayor Craig Little was also pleased to see an improvement in dogs on leads and also reminded dog owners they are responsible for cleaning up their dog’s mess.
“It is just common courtesy.”
“Most people are responsible dog owners but unfortunately it is always those few who push the boundaries and we have zero tolerance for that.
“Those are people ones who are costing the ratepayers as so many resources are going into so few.”
16 January 2019
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