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Piping the Open drain on Kitchener Street is part of a Wairoa District Council plan to future-proof the town’s stormwater network.
The gaping open drain that starts near the town’s southern entrance on Achilles Street and runs right down to the river on Kopu Road has been an eyesore for decades.
Council had already made a commitment to start piping the open drain and has now attracted additional funding for the project.
Council’s Group Manager community assets and services Stephen Heath is thrilled the job will be started and extended.
“Council had put aside $500,000 to cover the section of drain from Achilles Street to Rutherford Street. Now we have attracted a 75 percent subsidy which means council will only contribute $125,000.
“The additional external funding has been secured under the NZTA road safety funding criteria.
“We hope that will just be the start and that we will get the entire drain piped.
Mr Heath said Council is driving the project with design assistance from Opus.
“In order to attract this funding, it is important we get the job and the design right and Opus is assisting us with that.
“This is more than just a pipe in the ground. The drain is a significant point of drainage for the catchment and it’s about getting it right for now and into the future.
Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said the open Kitchener Street drain has plagued locals and Councils for decades.
“This is great news, from an aesthetic perspective and also from a health and safety angle.
“That this project will also attract a subsidy from the NZTA is the icing on the cake and will certainly save costs for our ratepayers. Staff have done a fantastic job to secure some certainty for this project.
“I am proud we are going to be the Council that finally sorts this mammoth and dangerous problem.”
Work is expected to start in April this year.
11 February 2019
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