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Celebrating our tamariki is the local focus for this year’s Children’s Week.
Celebrations began on Monday with fun at Lambton Square with the local Police and continued on Tuesday with a pre-school story time at the Wairoa Library.
Today there is a photo scavenger hunt with WYST for children aged 10-15.
Thursday will see a movie screening at the Gaiety from 3.30 to 5.30 (Ralph Broke the internet - the Wairoa premiere), and the grand finale is on Friday with a swim and barbecue at the Community Centre from 5-7pm.
E Tu Wairoa is organising the week with Coordinator/Project Manager Ngaire Sparkes explaining the events are about putting whanau first and parents celebrating with their children.
“The activities are all free, but children will need to be accompanied by an adult, preferably a whanau member.
“This week is about embedding the E Tu whanau values into our community and creating great memories for our tamariki and their whanau.”
The E Tu Whanau values - aroha, korereo awhi, mana manaaki, tikanga, whakapapa, and whanaungatanga - while uniquely Maori, are aligned with international evidence about factors that strengthen whanau and protect them.
Wairoa District Council is a sponsor of the week with chief executive Steven May commending the E Tu group for organising a series of local events which support children and whanau and recognise the national week.
To register for these events, contact E Tu Coordinator/Project Manager Ngaire Sparkes on 027 814 2249.
5 March 2019
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