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Average property prices on the increase

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It is really encouraging to see Wairoa’s property prices increasing says Wairoa Mayor Craig Little.

Mr Little’s comments follow a report by Quotable Value which stated smaller provincial centres have outperformed the main centres on the residential property market and this year may continue in 2019.

The state-owned enterprise’s December update records Wairoa’s average value increased by 32.9 percent over the 12-month period ending November 2018.

Wairoa’s average value in November 2018 was $199,081 — up from $149,830 in November 2017.

QV did acknowledge that Wairoa is a small market in which a few houses at either end of the market can effect significant change.

Mr Little said the Council recognises it is important to have affordable housing, but it is also important for the community to grow and prosper.

“It is encouraging to see an increase in house prices which I believe is mainly attributable to demand as more people are moving here as they realise the great lifestyle they can enjoy.

“Comparatively our housing is still cheaper than most other areas in New Zealand making buying a house in Wairoa very attractive, particularly when you look at the lifestyle that goes with it.

“That is why it’s so critical the Government considers Wairoa as a location for its for its affordable housing programme.

“We are also aware increased valuations can make it more difficult for new home buyers to get on the property ladder and that is why Council is working to establish a trade training scheme in Wairoa that will enable affordable homes to be built.

“An ideal opportunity is to attend tonight's rental and papakainga housing hui.

“This has been organised by local MP Meka Whaitiri and offers another option to adding housing capacity within our district.”

The meeting will be held at Wairoa Taiwhenua from 6-8pm.

26 March 2019

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