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Adventure Wairoa takes out regional innovation in sport award


Adventure Wairoa’s pioneering initiative of developing a Mountain Bike Park proved to be a winner at Saturday night’s Hawke’s Bay Sports Awards.

The local adventure sport group won the 2019 Innovation in Sport award beating other regional finalists Basketball Hawke’s Bay, Unison and Hawke’s Bay Netball.

The Innovation in Sport Award includes innovative individuals or organisations that have made a significant contribution to the Hawke’s Bay field of sport due to any pioneering initiative they have created and undertaken. These can include administration, management, sport science, facility development, marketing, event management, sport capability, coaching, community initiatives or similar fields.

Adventure Wairoa chairman Russell McCracken and executive committee member Graeme Johnston attended the awards and were thrilled with the win.

“Adventure Wairoa had a vision to create a mountain bike park facility for our people and to attract visitors.

“It was a massive undertaking but is a true community asset, and to have that recognised at a regional level makes us feel really proud.

“While this award recognises the bike park for its innovation it also recognises our diversity with our growing waka ama adjunct and the fact we are an umbrella group for adventure sports.

“Another factor taken on board was the 60 plus bikes we have provided for use at the park and our growing involvement with rangitahi both in biking and waka ama.”

Wairoa Mayor Craig Little was at the awards evening and said Adventure Wairoa was a very worthy winner.

“I have been attending the Hawkes Bay Sports Awards for six years and this is the first time I have seen a Wairoa entry make it through as a finalist or win a category.

“This is a great achievement and testament to the work of the Adventure Wairoa team.”

28 May 2019

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