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Waste minimisation boost for Wairoa

para kore

A funding boost from the Ministry for the Environment’s Waste Minimisation Fund will bring the marae-based Para Kore programme to Wairoa.

The Associate Environment Minister Eugenie Sage recently announced that a grant of $528,000 from the Ministry for the Environment’s Waste Minimisation Fund (WMF) will help the marae-based Para Kore programme to expand to four new regions.

The Para Kore “Whakamau Kia Tina” Programme will be rolled out in Wairoa, Wairarapa, Te Tai Tokerau and Maniapoto rohe.

Kaihautū Matua for Para Kore Jacqui Forbes said she was thrilled to bring Para Kore Zero Waste education to Māori communities in Wairoa, Te Tai Tokerau, Maniapoto and the Wairarapa.

“Since 2008, Para Kore has expanded to support 380 marae, kōhanga reo, kura and other community organisations throughout much of the North Island and has provided education, wānanga, events and training in waste management to more than a quarter of a million participants.

“Para Kore, which means Zero Waste, is a call to action that aims to end the current take, make, and dispose mentality that we have now become accustomed to. It's Kaitiakitanga in practice, caring for Ranginui and Papatūānuku, through returning to closed loop living where rubbish - single use items are designed out.”

Mahia environmental warrior Grace Ormond is contracted by Para Kore as the kaiārahi for the Wairoa region.

Her role is to encourage communities to reduce and recycle with the overall goal of minimising waste.

“There are more than 30 marae plus other organisations and businesses in the rohe and they are keen to be involved with Para Kore and leading the charge on zero waste.”

Miss Ormond completed her training recently and is looking forward to spreading the Para Kore message.

“I am glad to be part of this vision and part of the Para Kore whānau promoting this important kaupapa to the local communities in the Wairoa rohe.

“Para Kore is a step in the right direction for the wellbeing of our land, sea, air and people and I am looking forward to assisting whānau to enhance our natural environment.”

The waste education component of the initiative is supported by the Wairoa District Council in partnership with the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated and the Waste Minimisation Fund.

Wairoa District Council chief executive Steven May said Council is very supportive of Para Kore which supports Council’s objective to reduce waste going to landfill and to look after the environment.

8 September 2019

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