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Design work around the Waitepatu Bridge at Mahia is close to being finalised.
Earlier this year a Bailey Bridge was installed at the failed crib wall site near the Waitepatu Culvert on the Mahia East Coast Road.
The Bailey Bridge and traffic lights are expected to stay in place into the new year
Wairoa District Council chief executive Steven May said the Bailey Bridge is the safest option given the site’s instability and has allowed time for a thorough inspection and design work to take place.
Council had identified the crib wall needed replacing and work on a repair solution began in 2018.
Mr May said the Waitepatu site is an absolute priority and staff have been working through options to try and find a solution.
“Part of that identification process included starting design work with options then becoming limited because of the wāhi tapu on the land immediately adjacent to the site.”
Meanwhile, Council is also proactively trying to find a solution to the Blowhole Black’s Beach dropout which has reduced the Mahia access road to single lane.
“We have been working with Central Government and Kiwirail to find a long-term solution.”
2 December 2019
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