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In line with national advice all Wairoa RSA meetings and the local ANZAC Day services have been cancelled as part of increasing restrictions in response to the Covid-19 coronavirus.
The national Poppy Day appeal has also been postponed for first time since 1922.
The unprecedented move is in line with the Government’s advice of not having gatherings of more than 100 people , and people over the age of 70, who have a compromised immunity or underlying respiratory conditions, being encouraged to stay at home and avoid social connection.
Wairoa RSA president Dinty Little said while it is disappointing, it was not worth risking the health of veterans and the wider public by going ahead.
Wairoa Mayor Craig Little endorsed the decision saying given the situation the cancellation is prudent.
“Many of the RSA veterans and members are elderly and this move supports looking after our whānau and family.
“Dinty is my uncle and at the age of 90 the most important thing is that we look after him and other elderly people.
“We must support our kaumatua and kuia and those who are most vulnerable.
“Depending on the situation at the time we may have a commemoration in place that could involve live steaming to allow local people to still pay their respects in safe and appropriate ways on Anzac Day, April 25.”
23 March 2020
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