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From His Worship the Mayor Craig Little:
As at yesterday there were 82 new confirmed and probable cases in New Zealand bringing the national total to 950.
The Hawke’s Bay District Health Board has 29 known COVID-19 cases, and as has previously been advised, we know COVID-19 is in Wairoa.
With more than one million people worldwide having contracted COVID-19 it is very clear that the virus has no boundaries.
I know people are feeling anxious about the spread of COVID-19. Many people are also feeling stressed, and worried about their employment and their future.
I urge you all to stay calm, stay home and follow the advice of the Ministry of Health and Central Government.
The District Health Board staff are doing their job of testing, contact tracing and providing advice and, where necessary, treatment.
During this time the Ministry of Health has total control of our country’s response.
While the Council is ensuring essential services remain available and a Civil Defence Emergency has been declared it is Central Government and the Ministry of Health which is in charge.
That means as a Council we can’t release any information until the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board gives us permission to do so.
I will try and keep our community as informed as I can within these limitations.
I would like to acknowledge the background work being carried out by the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board staff.
There is a lot of behind the scenes work going on that we are all totally unaware of.
However, it is that preparation that will place us in the best position to fight off Coronavirus.
Wairoa is known for its manaakitanga and I hope our community shows kindness and is caring for one another during this time.
Now is the not the time for rule breaking, scaremongering or victimisation.
Now is the time to show aroha, compassion and understanding.
The reality is COVID-19 is in Wairoa, and it will spread unless everyone follows the advice we are continuously being given.
Stay home, self-isolate and stick to your bubble. People should only travel if they absolutely need to and should always maintain a two-metre physical distance.
I applaud the local people who are staying home and doing the right thing.
Staying home is the only way to break the COVID-19 chain of transmission and save lives.
We need everybody to follow the rules, stay home and take all the necessary precautionary measures such as social distancing and hand washing.
We know there are people in our district who are not taking this seriously enough. You are the people who could be responsible for the spread of this disease.
If you know of or see people breaching these rules please lodge a report at https://105.police.govt.nz
The longer people disobey the Government’s advice and flaunt the lock down rules the longer our country will remain at the Level 4 lock down.
The Government is giving us very clear guidance, and to me, the advice that sticks out the most is Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern telling everyone to act like they have COVID-19. That way we are all protecting ourselves, our loved ones and other people.
Can I also please urge anybody who is posting on social media to only publish the facts as there is a lot of misinformation out there. This alarmist behaviour is only causing more concern and anxiety. This is completely unnecessary.
For the sake of our country and our community and our loved ones, please stay home in your bubble, isolate yourself and travel only when you absolutely have to.
If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early by phoning theHealthline team (for free) on 0800 358 5453or phoning yourlocal GP practice.
Visit www.covid19.govt.nz for up to date information and watch the live updates on tv or listen to the radio and visit our website www.wairoadc.govt.nz
Stay calm, stay home. Be kind and caring and together we can stand united to do our best to get through this.
4 April 2020
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