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Wairoa Library staff are working behind the scenes to ensure the library service is all set to go once the Government regulations allow the doors to reopen.
Wairoa District Council chief executive Steven May said the library must remained closed to the public under under Alert Level 3 and 4 and staff are waiting to hear what the requirements will be under Level 2.
“We are assessing options of what Level 2 could look like, including a click and collect service, but no decisions will be made until the regulations are known.”
While there is no hardcopy book lending during Levels 4 and 3 the ebook lending via the library’s webpage has been extremely popular.
The site has more than 5000 ebooks available which can be read online or downloaded and accessible through most devices.
Around 30 new members have joined the library online over the lockdown period and login requests can be activated remotely.
The ebook range is free with extra titles being added including a range of educational books to assist those teaching children from home.
There is also a range of audio books to listen to.
Currently staff are working from home cataloguing, processing new books and planning for a range of educational programmes as well as the usual winter and summer reading programmes.
Mr May said staff have reported they are missing their library patrons and have been stocking up adding new titles to the library’s lending range in preparation of the reopening.
A reminder to anyone who has overdue library books. Please hold onto the books until the library reopens- any overdue penalties or fees will be waived until the library reopens.
Check out the ebook range at wairoalibrary.co.nz
1 May 2020
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