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The Wairoa District Council invites all local people to help keep our town in tip top shape.
Council, in conjunction with its contractors, has programmes in place to keep the district looking as tidy as possible, but also relies on locals to give a heads up if a job needs doing.
Council chief executive Steven May says the Council Customer Service Requests (CSR) is the best way to get Council’s attention.
“The Council Customer Service Request pink forms are the method we have identified as giving us the best ability to remedy a situation. It provides location, a paper trail, messaging is clear and from within Council’s system it can be sent to the relevant department/contractor to sort.
“We do carry out checks of the many kilometres of footpaths, vegetation, overhanging trees etc in town and the outlying villages and it is a very time-consuming job.
“We won’t stop surveying our district, but we can certainly remedy issues more quickly if we know about it through the correct method being followed.
“Our system is set up so that within hours of a CSR being lodged the situation will be investigated and if possible remedied as soon as practicable.
“We have been told people are raising issues they want Council to rectify, but they are being raised on social media platforms Council doesn’t even have access to.
“If there is a problem, we need to know what it is. If you are at your computer, it is only a couple of clicks to let us know if something needs doing or fixing.
It is important people are aware Council has a programme in place. We can’t attend to a location unless we know about it and the best way to do that is through the established Council CSR programme.
To lodge a CSR, go to Council’s webpage, www.wairoadc.govt.nz, click on 'Do It Online', click on 'Say It' and then click on Customer Service Request and enter the details.
Alternatively ring the Council office on 838 7309. For non-emergency work it is best to call during usual working hours but if it is an emergency that same number operates 24/7.
“If we know about an issue, we can get it sorted. It’s just a couple of clicks to bring an issue to our attention: https://www.wairoadc.govt.nz/contact-us/customer-service-request
9 June 2020
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz