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Annual Plan engagement

Info sessions

Wairoa District Councillors and staff are out on the road this week as part of the 2020/21 Annual Plan engagement process.

The road trip is a chance for members of the community to meet with councillors and senior leadership team members.

Community consultation provides an opportunity to travel throughout the district and talk with people in a relaxed manner.

Councillors are also keen to talk to the community about the pending Rates Review, how you can get involved and getting feedback.

The engagement process begins today (August 10) at Whakamarino Lodge Tuai from 10am-12pm followed by Frasertown from 1-2pm parked outside BJ’s Dairy.

Tuesday will see the caravan parked in the main street outside Oslers from 10am-12pm.

The caravan will travel to Mahia on Wednesday and park outside Sunset Point on the corner of Newcastle and Ratau Streets from 12.30-2.30pm.

Thursday will be Nuhaka’s turn from 11am-1pm outside the Nuhaka Shop and Friday Raupunga at the Hauora building from 11am-1pm.

Councillors and staff are looking forward to the opportunity to talk with local people and encourage as many people as possible to catch up with them.

10 August 2020

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