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Kaumātua morning tea

Kaumatua morning tea 01

The annual community kaumātua morning tea will be held early next month.

The pre-Christmas gathering is set for Monday November 2 at 10am at the War Memorial Hall.

Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said the event is one of his highlights as he looks forward to catching up with familiar faces and seeing people who have made such great contributions to our community over the years.

“The morning tea is always an enjoyable time to have a chat, enjoy a bite to eat, and be entertained by Angela and her whānau.

“Every year my wife Jan, who is the patron of Age Concern, and myself look forward to hosting this event and we hope to see as many people in attendance as possible.

“This is a great opportunity for our local kaumātua to talk in a relaxed manner with myself and elected members.”

Please RSVP to Council’s main reception or phone 838 7309. And please don’t forget as part of the COVID-19 Alert Level 1 precautions if you are feeling unwell please stay home.

15 October 2020

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