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Driver licence testing

Driving for aarticle

Wairoa Mayor Craig Little is continuing to push to have driver licence testing reinstated in Wairoa.

The removal of driver licence testing in Wairoa back in February 2012 is creating a legacy of unlicensed drivers and youths being charged with driver licence related offences.

Mr Little says we are seeing good kids driving without licences and getting caught, and in many cases that is having a profound impact on the rest of their lives.

“This is often their first brush with the law and is an entry into the judicial system which could be avoided.

“We need our driver licence testing back so our people can sit their licences in Wairoa.

“We know our rangatahi are driving illegally and missing out on jobs because they have not got their driver licences.

“We are also seeing the legacy of removing driving licence testing from Wairoa with a large number of unlicensed drivers aged between 24-36.

“We have to break this cycle.

“Driving to Hawke’s Bay or Gisborne to sit a test is a massive barrier, an unnecessary financial burden and often impractical.

“I would love to see a sustainable solution, Wairoa for Wairoa where we are delivering driver training and testing locally.

“We have been told that Wairoa's traffic and roads do not meet the threshold needed to have the driver licencing test based here.

“Surely there are alternative solutions that could be put in place so driver licencing could be completed in Wairoa.”

Mr Little is urging the Government and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, which runs the driver licensing programmes in Aotearoa, to have a look at Wairoa’s unlicenced driving statistics and offer support and solutions to bringing testing back to Wairoa.

“Gaining a driver licence should not be this hard for Wairoa people.”

21 October 2020

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