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An independent youth voice to support the decision-making process at Local Government level has been given the go ahead by the Wairoa District Council.
Wairoa Youth Council 2021 will provide Council with the opportunity to hear rangatahi thoughts on the impacts of Council’s decisions on their own generation as the future ratepayers of Wairoa.
At Tuesday’s (20.10.20) Council meeting councillors unanimously supported the establishment of the group which will ensure Wairoa youth have a real voice, can be heard and taken seriously on issues affecting them.
Applications are now being called for and successful candidates will be appointed by February 2021.
Youth Council members must be aged between 16 and 25 years of age and live within the boundaries of the Wairoa district. Members will be appointed for a three-year term in line with local government elections timeframes.
Potential candidates can apply or be put forward as a result of consultation with local community groups, Iwi, Hapu, Council and other community stakeholders. Membership will be by way of a selection panel.
The Youth Council will also promote the development of a dynamic community for the youth of the future.
A key role will be to assist Council with its planning processes and projects, with a focus on the provision of services and facilities that have a potential impact on young people.
The Youth Council will also be a vehicle for identifying local youth needs and resources and develop youth leadership skills through experience of representation processes, local government and civic activities.
The Wairoa Youth Council will meet every six weeks from February to December, and as required, and will report to the Wairoa District Council.
The Wairoa Youth Council will comprise two members from the Wairoa Township and one member from each of the following localities:
An elected member from the Wairoa District Council and His Worship the Mayor as ex officio will also sit on the Youth Council.
Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said the development of a Wairoa Youth Council is a great initiative.
“Today’s youth are tomorrow’s future, and we need to make sure we have provided clear channels to allow our rangatahi to express their views.
“A Wairoa Youth Council is an innovative way to engage and connect with our young people and ensure Council’s decisions plan ahead for future generations.”
“It is really exciting to finally be establishing a Youth Council as it has been a long time coming, with previous Councils, and particularly councillor Denise Eaglesome-Karekare and myself, aspiring to this for years.
Membership application forms and the terms of reference are available from the Wairoa District Council front desk or can be downloaded below.
Please note that the deadline for the applications has been moved to 5pm, Monday 30 November 2020.
20 November 2020
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