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Rates review consultation to start next week

Rates Review article

A month of full community consultation on the Wairoa District Council rates review will take place from next Wednesday.

Preliminary engagement has been ongoing since September, and Council will now increase its consultation with a series of community meetings and caravan sessions.

Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said Council will adopt a draft proposal at next Tuesday’s Council meeting which will then enable a discussion document to go to the public.

He stressed there had been no predetermination with no decisions made yet.

“Community feedback is vital, and it is great to see members of the community already engaged.

“People need to tell us what they are thinking, whether they are happy or not. We need public guidance to help us in our decision making.”

Mr Little said the rating proposal that will go out to the public will give people a chance to see the implications of the rating distribution and what it means to them individually.

“People need to see how a proposed change will affect them and that is what we are tyring to put out there.

“The key objectives are that our future rating system is simple, affordable and appropriate.

“This review is significant. Our rating system needs to reflect where our district is now and be future-proofed.”

The engagement plan will include community meetings at Mahia (Mokotahi Hall) next Wednesday November 4, 5.30-7.30 pm, a meeting in town at the War Memorial Hall on Thursday November 5 from 5.30-7.30pm and two meetings at the Wairoa Taiwhenua on Tuesday November 24 and Thursday November 26, from 5.30-7.30pm.

Caravan sessions will be held in town on:

  • Monday November 9, 2pm-5pm, outside Osler’s Bakery
  • Tuesday November 10, 10am-2pm, outside Eastend Café
  • Wednesday November 11, 10am-2pm, outside BJ’s Dairy Frasertown
  • Thursday November 12, 10am-2pm, River Parade North Clyde
  • Friday November 13, 10am -2pm, outside Mokotahi Hall, Mahia
  • Monday November 16, 2-5pm outside Sunset Point Mahia
  • Wednesday November 18, 10am-2pm outside the Nuhaka Shop, Nuhaka
  • Thursday November 19, 10am-2pm, outside Whakamarino Lodge, Tuai
  • Friday November 20, 10am-2pm outside the Hauora Building, Raupunga

Following the consultation period, a hearing on submissions will be held on December 15 followed by a Council decision on December 16.

To keep up to date on the progress of the rating review please click the link below and enter your contact details.

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28 October 2020

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