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Road closure while Doughboy Bridge strengthened

Doughboy Bridge

Strengthening of the Doughboy Bridge on the Ruakituri Road will see the road closed for around three weeks.

The bridge is situated 5.3 km up the Ruakituri Road, and the closure will take place from 8am on Monday January 18 2021, until 5pm on Thursday February 4 2021.

Wairoa District Council interim chief executive Kitea Tipuna acknowledged that it is a long closure and will cause disruption for people living past the bridge.

“Residents can take the detour route which is via Erepiti Road/Ohuka Road and State Highway 38, but this will add at least an hour each way to the trip.

“We have tried to time the repair to have the least disruption as possible by doing the work outside of the school year and completing the job before the long Waitangi Weekend.”

The Doughboy Bridge was assessed under Council’s bridge strengthening and assessment programme which was funded through the Provincial Growth Funding.

The bridge deck was identified as not having the required strength to meet the changes around HPMV (high productivity motor vehicles) ratios.

The deck will be replaced with pre-cast concrete deck panels with work involving the removal of the existing deck slabs, welding steel studs to the top of the steel beams and placing the new deck slabs over the studs and concreting over the studs to hold the deck slabs in place. The gaps between the deck panels will then be filled with concrete which needs to cure before the bridge can re-open.

The assessment and redecking of the bridge will all be paid for through the $2.2 million funding. The repair work will cost $260,000 and be carried out by Ritchie Civil from Gisborne.

Mr Tipuna said there was a lot of interest in the job with seven tenders received.

Information boards advising of the road closure will go up soon and affected residents will be advised via a letter drop.

“This is a long closure with zero access over the time period. We thank residents for their patience. We know it will be an inconvenience, but it is also important the structure is operating at the required safety levels.

Any further queries can be directed to the Wairoa District Council on 06 838 7309.

11 November 2020

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