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Community meetings for finance policies

Consultation on the Wairoa District Council’s finance policies is underway.

Council is proposing an update to the Revenue and Financing Policy, which incorporates the calculation and allocation of rates (as per the decisions of the 2020/21 rating review), as well as outlining funding sources for operating costs and capital expenditure.

In addition, Council has reviewed its Rates Remissions and Postponement Policies (including Remissions and Postponement Policies for Māori Freehold Land), which will also be consulted on as part of the process.

In both cases, the policy changes are aimed at better reflecting community outcomes, operational changes and best practice.

The consultation period began on Wednesday, February 10 and is open until Friday, March 12.

Two community meetings will be held, the first is on Thursday, February 18, 5.30pm at the War Memorial Hall and the second next Tuesday, February 23, 6.30pm at the Mokotahi Hall, Mahia.

These meetings are subject to COVID-19 Alert Levels and physical distancing requirements.

The final adopted Revenue and Financing Policy will be included in Council’s Long-Term Annual Plan which goes out for consultation in April.

16 February 2021

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